Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Just keep walking

Thank you for the kind words and encouragement with regards to my previous post. Your words helped. 

Today was the first day where I could actually walk without getting dizzy. Yay! I needed to walk because I felt so stressed today my head ached. Why? Well, my new bank prevents me from adding my new card to Paypal, which was one of the reasons why my previous bank also couldn't help me. I spent most of the day querying my new bank and trying to find a solution, but I didn't get the answers I wanted. Of course I contacted Paypal too and they were fast in getting back to me and they were more than helpful. Unfortunately, my new bank is not going to budge. 

I really need my own Paypal account because editors and cover designers mostly prefer that payment option. The last thing I want is for my family to do all my payments for me. This is something I want to do myself. And...my bank only allows me to do online purchases at certain online stores, which is very limiting. Tomorrow I'm going to yet another bank, only to hear if they can provide me with an option that does allow me to use Paypal. If they can, I will be switching accounts again, as long as I can afford the account of course. Sitting in long lines in banks is definitely not my idea of fun. But I guess I have to do what I have to do. 

My family thinks that my predicament is very amusing. I however do not. I just don't like getting things wrong or struggling to sort things out. I was told my new account could do all of the above and it doesn't. But okay. Tomorrow is a new day and I will deal with everything then. 


  1. That's really odd your bank won't let you use your card through PayPal.

    1. I know. South African banks can be funny about things like that. But I got it sorted out today.

  2. Aww it's okay. You've tried enough today. You have a lot of stress on your shoulders. Rest today. I hope you find a new bank that doesn't fail you out again. They seem pretty stingy. When you decide to sign into a new bank, ask if they allow that their card to get paid through/used through PayPal so you can get that part out of the way without confusion or conflict. Hope all goes well. You're a hard worker. Keep writing and sending love your way. =) <3

    1. Awww. You are so kind, thank you. I'm wishing you well too.

  3. Congrats on your new bank! And be persistent with your walking. Set a small goal you can make every day - even if it's only five minutes. But also set a goal you can work toward. Make yourself do the short goal at minimum while striving for the large one. That sort of thing works for me.

    1. Thank you Carol. That is fantastic advice. I'm trying to do a bit of walking everyday. It is really good for my stress.


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