Thursday, April 30, 2015

Moving along with the flu

Congratulations to my fellow bloggers who completed the A-Z Challenge. You guys rock!

I didn’t participate in A-Z this year as I focused on my writing and actually finished the first round of rewrites for my second book in my Thelum Series. I was shocked to have finished it on Tuesday. Why? Because the one moment I was stuck and I few hours later I had figured everything out. Of course the tough part comes in the next round when I have to start cleaning it up and adding more description and so forth if it’s lacking, as I tend to be sparse on details.

For the first time I can remember my entire family and myself are suffering from the flu. We’ve been sick since last week and though we are better, we aren’t healed yet. It was kind of fun, because I had my siblings feeling crappy along with me and we were all lounging around the house watching movies and complaining about how crappy we felt. It was a funny sight. I think my delusional state while having the flu helped me finish my rewrites sooner.

Anyway, wishing you guys the best!


  1. Sorry everyone was sick, but I bet it was quite sight.
    Glad you finished your manuscript Tuesday. I'm sparse on details as well and always have to add later.

    1. Thank you, Alex. I find it easier to add the details later.

  2. Hi Murees - I'm glad everyone's recovering ... and if it helped you with your re-writes that's good news ... cheers and good luck now with those details .. cheers Hilary

  3. This is no time of year for being down with the flu! Ack. But good news on the revision. I'm plowing through a substantial edit myself and wish I was on the other side of it already. :)

    1. Haha! Yeah, editing can be maddening. I'm surprised I was so calm about the rewrites. It's Autumn in South Africa, so I'd rather get the flu now and hopefully be immune when winter comes. Luckily I'm almost healed. All the best with your edits.

  4. Hope all of you are feeling fine soon, Murees.Good for you on doing your editing. That's one of the hardest parts of writing, I think,

    1. Thank you, Deanie! My family is healing so much faster than me. The editing is definitely the hard part, i agree.

  5. Get well soon, Murees. Congrats on finishing the edits. I find I have those completely stuck/sudden inspiration moments too!

    1. Thank you! Those moments are so rare for me, but I appreciate it.

  6. Sorry to hear about the flu, Murees, hope you and your family are recovering. And thanks so much for advertising my poetry book, I'd love a review when you have a moment. Kind regards, Carole.

    1. It is my pleasure. I will definitely leave you a review as soon as I'm done reading your book. Once again thank you for sharing it with us all.

  7. I hope everyone is feeling a bit better today.
    My brain is "fried" today...
    I found this A to Z challenge really hectic. Anyway, it's over until next year.
    Everything of the best as you go into "clean up mode" with your WIP.

    1. Thank you, my family are much better. But the flu is still kicking my butt. My brain would be fried too if I did A-Z this year. You should be so proud that you completed it again. All the best with your writing!

  8. You make me laugh though I'm very sorry for your flu and crappy-feeling family. I hope you all recover soon. Congrats on finishing the first draft! I'm pretty sparse on detail when I first write, too, so I know just how you feel about fleshing out the revisions. Have a great weekend! :)

    1. Thank you! I love that I'm not the only one who uses rewrites to flesh out my revisions. Me and my family are all getting well fast at the moment, so yay! Have a great week.

  9. It's funny how that works. Sometimes, I also do my best writing when flu-ridden and/or physically exhausted. I think it's because that's one of those rare moments when my inner editor really shuts up.

    1. I loved the clarity that came with the flu. I think you're right, the flu makes us focus on the the task at hand and shuts up all those mean voices who cause doubt. Thank you for coming over.

  10. Congratulations on finishing your rewrites; revision is hard, especially because it often means that you have to let go of certain scenes or passages that you really like but that may not work for the story (that's how it is for me, anyway, which is why I keep a "deleted scenes" file on my computer).
    I'm sorry you were sick; I hope you feel better soon. Have some chicken soup and drink lots of fluids.

    1. Thank you! I keep a deleted scenes file too. One never knows when those scenes may come in handy again, right?


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I am alive and well. Life keeps going on.  I've started re-formatting the e-book of the Executioner (my 2nd fantasy book in my Thelum se...