Sunday, April 12, 2015

Crazy Week

It was a really crazy week for me. My sister (the chef) asked me on Monday if I could possibly come in and help her out in the kitchen last week. Why? Because she was short handed and no chefs were available on such short notice. I was taken aback, because I've never worked in a professional kitchen before. The only kitchen I've worked in is my moms kitchen at home.

My sister was really patient and gave me easy tasks to start off with and at 12 pm every afternoon service started and I actually had to help her! She's very good and could probably have worked the whole week on her own, but me helping out made things easier for her. It was such a great experience, definitely one of a kind and memorable.

The bad side? It was hot as hell in the kitchen and my feet are still sore. Yesterday was my last day, but I'm still tired and my feet are still throbbing. It was surprisingly...a lot of fun. Hard work, but so much fun.

My sister doing her thing

My work station


  1. That was nice of you to help her. I would've felt a bit out of place as well. I bet you really have an appreciation for what she does every day. (Especially in that heat!)

    1. I am so proud of my sister. It was the first time I saw firsthand how she runs the kitchen and it was eye opening.

  2. Hi Murees - that will stand you in such good stead .. as you never know when you might be asked to help again for your sister or elsewhere ... and working on your feet for days on end is exhausting ... now the time is to sit and draft some stories or tales from your thoughts on your time in the kitchen ... bet you could be creative with the ideas now ..

    Cheers Hilary

    1. I'm definitely feeling the creative juices now, Hilary. I might use this kitchen experience in the future.

  3. Nice job!
    I'm so glad it was a good experience for you.
    I worked in food service for 6 years and your feet always hurt.


    1. I have complete respect for people in the food service industry. It is such hard work and two days later my feet still hurt.

  4. I'm glad you enjoyed it! It's always nice to do something different :). I used to work as a waitress and I had to serve up the food/help in the kitchen/do the till - we ran major events several times a year, and I'd be standing up for thirteen hours straight sometimes. My feet would kill me! But, strangely, I still think that working in that kitchen is the best job I ever had, despite the pain. I love physical labour - guess that's what you get for growing up on a farm ;)!

    1. I respect everyone who works or worked in the food industry. It is such hard work! I think what made it fun was that I did it for just a week, any longer and it might have been a different story. I love that you grew up on a farm. I'm a little jealous :)

  5. That must have been quite an experience. How sweet of you to help out. The one place I can assure you that no one will ever ask for my help is in the kitchen. Not even a home kitchen, LOL. Hope you enjoyed it,

    1. Thank you. I'm not a good cook either, but my sister really begged. So i had to help. It was a lot of work, but fun.


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