Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Social Media Junkie

I never thought this day would come, but I have to admit, social media is not so bad and I’m actually addicted to a few forms. Yep, I said it. For a long time I only participated in blogging. Now I am on Pinterest, Twitter, Google+, Goodreads and Facebook. Crazy right?

Aside for blogging, Pinterest is my favorite, because I get to get various ideas for character description, food and clothing ideas for potential new or existing characters. I get to make my fantasy world a lot more real. Following closely is Twitter, because I can quickly scan through my tweets and see what is going on in the lives of my fellow writers and one or two celebrities. Call me a stalker, but I like to know what my fellow writers are up to. It makes me feel comforted that they are doing the same things as me, or are struggling as me, or just enjoying life. I rarely use Google+, Goodreads and Facebook these days, but I do check my updates regularly for important info.

I have actually contemplated closing my Facebook account because I’m never really on it aside for book releases and so forth, but all my fellow writer friends are always hosting events there and most writers seem to use it. I might have a problem with Facebook soon anyway, because there is a new scam going where you are friended by one of your already existing friends and then you start receiving inappropriate comments and postings on your wall. I unfortunately clicked on the link which suggested a friend wanted to be friends, again, and just made myself victim to the scam. But oh well, I will deal with it when the creep starts doing the above mentioned things.

I’m actually off to do some work now. Last night I made a mistake with the data and now have to fix a week’s worth of information. But enough about me. Do you like social media? Which forms do you use? 


  1. Hi Murees - I see you posted onto FB and my wall or whatever it is - thank you .. but I'm not really doing any of the social medial stuff - but am sure it's essential to the point you can manage it without overdoing it: that's the trick.

    Hope the work got resolved ... I only blog, and occasional FB ... cheers Hilary

    1. You are welcome Hilary. Thank you, I did resolve the mess I made yesterday. Blogging is kind of therapeutic, isn't it? All the best with your healing.

  2. Guess I'm glad I'm not on Facebook.
    I know I'm addicted, especially to blogging.

    1. I'm getting back into the habit of posting regularly and blogging is very addictive. I wonder if I can get away with not being on Facebook too. Thank you for always dropping by, Alex. I appreciate it.

  3. It's all a great big time suck, but I'm not sure I could do without it.

    1. True and true. It can be fun. Hope all is well in the editing cave.

  4. No Facebook for me. I've never once opened an account there. I like blogging and Twitter most, and Goodreads is good for recommendations and seeing what others are reading. I do have a Pinterest account, but I never quite got the hang of it. If I get an agent or sell a book, I think I'd use the site to help connect with people who might have similar interests and would like my stories. I already collect photos on my own to help me visualize the world and characters I write about, so it would be a fun project.

    1. Blogging and Twitter is really great. I opened a Facebook account because most writers seem to have one, so I opened one. Pinterest is quite fun.

  5. I don't care for Facebook, but it allows me to see photos of children in our family. I also set up my tweets so they are posted on my Facebook page. I was surprised to learn recently that some people follow my blog because of my tweets on Facebook. So you never know what might happen because of social media. I've had bad experiences with it, too, but I'd rather forget about those.


    1. Thank you Janie. Sorry about your bad experiences.

  6. I don't use Facebook very much any more either - the only reason I'm still on it is so I can send messages to whoever I don't have a phone number for, so I can invite them to my wedding haha. I love Twitter, and I really love blogging - but that's my limit! I have thought about Pinterest, but I find handling two social media accounts is more than enough right now!! Hope your work goes okay :)!

    1. Thank you, work went well. I'm starting to find out that maintaining all these accounts is a bit much.

  7. I've been limiting myself to blogging and Facebook, although I don't post on FB as often as I should. At some point I know I'm going to have to break down and start tweeting.

    1. I think you should do what you're comfortable with. Thank you for visiting and commenting.

  8. Reading your post makes me want to give Pinterest another try. Like LG, I have an account there but I never felt like I could get the hang of it. Maybe I should go back and try again. I still like blogging the best but I also enjoy Facebook more now. I can't seem to get comfortable on Twitter.
    Glad you are enjoying yourself on the different sites!

    1. Thank you. I should be writing more, but Pinterest can be such fun. I will give Facebook a try again.

  9. If not for communicating with my children and nieces and nephews through FB, I would probably never use it. I use twitter, blogging and mostly just use Pinterest for fun.

    1. I'm with you on your social media choices. Have a great weekend.

  10. Facebook seems to be where all my high school/college classmates stay in touch. I mostly just stay on there to post book news and vacation pictures! Twitter is for networking with writers. I haven't tried Pinterest--I joined Instagram because I knew it was popular with tweens and that was the age group my books appealed to but I don't have many tween followers--mostly friends from Facebook who found me on there!

    1. Thank you for sharing your social media choices with me. Have a good weekend.

  11. I enjoy taking part in social media, but lately I've been finding that it's a lot less social. My favorite is blogging, though, because it actually helps me to get thoughts and feelings into words.

    1. I agree with you fully Misha. Blogging is like a form of therapy for me.

  12. I love Pinterest too. But what I don't like about it is that it gives you updates from people you don't follow. I'd prefer to receive updates from my own friends.

    1. I agree. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting.


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