Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Beginning (IWSG)

I’m a romance writer, blogger, dessert enthusiast, lover of books and appreciative of good movies. I am currently working from home as my brother’s research/ personal assistant. 

It is a new year and I fully intend on making the best of it. I’m in the last phase of editing my novel, The Amaranthine and I’m so pleased. My family gave me a great cash gift for Christmas so my editing fund got off to a good start. My goal is to have my novel professionally edited this year. If I don’t accomplish anything else this year, at least my manuscript will be perfect. I've been chopping, changing and rewriting it for 6 years and I think it is time to finish off the project. I have to stop fearing the last step. 

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the talented Mr. Alex J. Cavanaugh, so that writers can share their insecurities and/or encourage others who need support with their own. You can visit Alex Here, or if you want to join us in discussing our insecurities on the first Wednesday of each month, you are welcome to join by going Here.


  1. Congratulations Murees! I'm so pleased that you have set goals and this year you'll achieve them! Soon your book will b ready for release and everyone will celebrate with you.

    1. Thank you so much Deanie. You are always so supportive.

  2. It's going to be an exciting year for you :-)

  3. Thank you Karen. I know my work needs the eyes of a editor and I would much rather have my manuscript in good shape than publish something that is a total mess, which it currently is.

  4. Best wishes on finishing your novel, and Happy 2015!

  5. What an awesome Christmas gift. Your novel will be amazing, no question. Here's to a wonderful year ahead.

  6. When I paid one editor, she came back with the fact that I'm dyslectic. Who knew? I researched the ailment and now know why I am such a bust socially. I can't remember faces, they all mesh together. My hearing also mixes up sounds so I spell like a retard. But I'm intelligent, they say. That helps. I wish I'd gotten a Masters in Literature instead of Creative Writing. I'm creative enough, just not pristine with the language.

    1. You are being too hard on yourself. I don't have an excuse for why I spell and write so terribly. Most days I end up adding an extra S to everything for no good reason. Being a creative person is quite a blessing and I really like creative people such as yourself. You're a lot more interesting. Thank you for coming by.

  7. Polish it and then let the editor have at it! Then you'll be ready for the next step.
    Cool you are your brother's assistant.

  8. This is going to be your year. Full steam ahead.

  9. As long as you've been through some great critique partners, the editing portion should be rather painless. I'm hoping for you. 2015 is going to be epic.

    1. Thank you. Don't worry, I'm expecting a serious amount of pain with regards to the editor. You are really awesome.

  10. It's good to have a specific goal like having your manuscript edited; good luck with that! I wish I knew of some good editors to recommend to you, but I don't. And I must admit that I originally read your line about being a "dessert enthusiast" as "desert enthusiast", but maybe that's because it's currently about two degrees here in Chicago and the desert sounds pretty good right now. :)

    1. I will trade you the cold Chicago weather for the hot Cape Town summer. I'm cooking here. Luckily I have gotten some great editor recommendations, so I just have to finish the manuscript off. I've been "fixing" it for 6 years now. I think I've done more harm than good.

  11. That's lovely of your family to give you such a useful gift :) Good luck with getting past the final hurdle! x

    1. Thank you so much! You are so kind. I think they started feeling sorry for me and so they pitched in. I have a really great family.

  12. That is awesome! I'm so glad to hear it!
    I wish you the very best of luck!

  13. Congrats on getting so far! At one point, those MSs have gotten as far as we can bring them and it's time for them to head out into the world. I'm sure yours will do wonderfully!

  14. Hoping good things for you as you take that final step! :)
    Ninja Girl

  15. You're are at a very exciting yet very scary stage but I am sure you will do great. Here's wishing you all the best for 2015

    1. Thank you so much! It is very scary for me, but I can't put it off anymore.

  16. Murees, you can see the end in sight. How wonderful!
    I'm so happy for you.
    I wish you everything of the best as you move towards that finishing line!

    1. Thank you. I still have a long way to go though. It is kind of scary.

  17. How lovely of your family to give you a cash gift. Here's to getting your WIP finished and wrapped up with a big bow this year!

  18. Good luck with those new beginnings, Murees, and thank you for your kind encouragement.


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