Monday, January 19, 2015

I should be more interesting

I am feeling very lazy. I can always blame January for it. I have been wrecking my brain about what I can do to make my blog posts for this year more interesting, but I guess I'm just a boring person. 

Having said that, I've been thinking about doing more than just writing. Writing used to be my hobby and for the past few years it has definitely become more than that. I have been thinking of taking up crafting for fun. Most of my fellow bloggers and writers are parents, spouses, jugglers of day jobs, entrepreneurs and so forth and I just write. I want to be able to talk about more than just writing. It would definitely give more balance to my life. 

I am getting ready to tackle the rewrites on my second book in the Thelum Series and in truth, it's a mess. I had left it at the second draft and it definitely needs a few more. See! Boring right? 

Do you sometimes feel like you're boring too? 


  1. You're not boring!
    Music is my other passion, probably more so than writing. Plus I'm into movies and games and stuff. It does give me a variety of blog post fodder.

    1. Thank you Alex. I like music too and movies are fantastic.

  2. I've wondered whether I should take up a hobby too, but I'd hate sparing the time from my writing. Besides, I workout at the gym, that's a kinda hobby, isn't it?

    I don't find your blog (or you) boring at all. Editing and drafting are fun - not boring at all. Enjoy it!

    1. Thank you Annalisa. Going to the gym definitely counts. I'm such a lazy bugger, but my body could do with more workouts. I haven't thought about sharing my writing time with another hobby though. But Now I will

  3. I think it is wonderful that you sing. It is a great talent to have. Maybe I should look at my attitude too.

  4. You're not boring! Maybe you just feel that way because you want to blog about other things, like writing, like you said. I blog about other things in addition to writing; I don't think I could come up with that many posts that are just about writing anyway. And I think it'd be interesting to read posts about crafts; you could post pictures of your works-in-progress on your blog too.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement. And you are right. I can always show what I am working on. I don't have that many things to say about writing either that could be useful to someone else.

  5. Oh, I definitely wouldn't say boring!

    But I actually think it's a good idea to have creative pursuits outside of writing. Sometimes stepping away from writing and creating something different helps me get back on my words, or out of a funk. Let me know what craft you decide! I personally love oil painting, hiking, running, and I'm just getting into interior design. :)

    I think you're awesome, by the way! Not boring at all.

    1. Thank you! Wow! For now I think I will try crafts that are easy to do. I saw a post about decorating paperclips that you could use as bookmarks. I would love to try painting too.

  6. I don't think you can be boring with the imagination you have. Sometimes I think I'm boring.


    1. Thank you. I don't think you're boring either. You have too many interesting things going on.

  7. Hi Murees,
    I nominated you for an award. Please stop by my blog, to find out more. Congratulations!

  8. I'm a grandmother who loves to talk about her grandchildren, which automatically makes me one of the most boring people alive. Wanna see my latest pictures. *grin*

    1. You are not boring at all! Of course you would be proud to see your bloodline continue. My mom wishes me and my sibling would get married and give her grand babies already.

  9. Because we are all unique, and have differing opinions/perspectives/goals/viewpoints, it means that each person has something interesting to share... which means you can NEVER be boring.
    (Having said that, I sometimes wonder whether I'm boring? LOL)

    1. You are never boring! You always have a new or exciting idea or perspective, which I envy.

  10. You're not boring in the least Murees! You need to think of yourself differently. It'll help you be a happier person. You are gifted and you're using those talents so you should be proud. It's a great idea to find some other interests, too. You'll be surprised what you can do.

  11. That's not boring; that's being human. First and second drafts are always a mess ;-)

  12. I totally agree with Vanessa, she said it better than I could. But suffice it to say you're definitely not boring. You're you and that's a good thing. :)
    I know what you mean though, I seem to have more and more trouble coming up with blog topics. It can be challenging for sure. Good luck with the rewrites!

    1. Thank you Julie. Keeping my blog fresh and entertaining is indeed hard, but I really want to make it more interesting.


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