Saturday, January 31, 2015

Banting drop-out

This has been a week of hell. Even though I lost 3 kg on this eating plan, I felt like crap the entire time. So, I decided not to do banting anymore, even though my family is still continuing on with it. I will be trying another health plan, one that includes more fruit and I'll still be avoiding the refined and junk foods. But at least I can eat a potato again. Yay!

I've been doing all kinds of diets since I can remember and what I learned is that you have to choose a plan that you can follow long term. I would never be able to do banting forever. The past week I've been craving all the bad foods, which means the first time I get to cheat, I'll end up eating more than I normally would and would most definitely head for the bad foods. Also, banting played havoc with my moods. My depression reared its ugly head again and I had another episode.

Me and my family have struggled with our weight since forever. But I will be turning 30 next year and I want to shed some weight before then. Or at least look and feel healthier. Not to mention that me and exercise need to get re-acquainted. Did you know I was a dancer? I did ballet and modern dance and when I got to college I stopped and obesity set it. Unbelievable, I know.

Have you ever struggled with your weight? Got any health tips for me, please?


  1. I need to get healthy in the worst way, but I always have an excuse.

    I read recently that the best way to get healthy food is to stay out of the aisles at the market. Only shop the perimeter of the store where the fresh foods are.

    Believe in you. Set small goals.


    1. Thank you Heather. I could totally do the fresh food idea. I just can't say no to a potato. I have always made excuses too, but I really need to get healthy.

  2. You're right - it has to be something you can do long term. That's why diets don't work. You have to just switch to a healthy eating lifestyle.
    Glad you can have potatoes again.

    1. Thank you Alex. I agree with the healthy lifestyle, but now my family is pressuring me to give banting another try. I really want a potato right now.

  3. Slow and steady is the key. Be aware of how many calories you're eating - and find an online calorie calculator to figure out how many you need to eat to lose about half a kg a week. Never cut out food groups - our bodies need them all... especially carbohydrates, because our bodies can only burn fat when carbs are present. Plus, carbs are the fuel for the brain, so no wonder you found your were feeling depressed again. Email me if you need more help :-)

    1. Thank you so much, Annalisa! You are so awesome.

  4. I've struggled with my weight since menopause and since I took a medication that made me crave carbs. I have lost thirty pounds, very slowly. I cut back on carbs, but didn't eliminate them. When the weather is good, Franklin and I take a long walk.


    1. I want to start eating carbs again, even if it is just small amounts. My dog loves running around our yard and when I took him to walk in a park he freaked out. He didn't like it one bit. Luckily we have a big yard for him to run around, so maybe I should run around with him a bit.

  5. That's interesting that you were a dancer; I've always thought ballet in particular looked very difficult. I could never have been a ballet dancer, because my feet are too flat and wide. As far as weight loss goes, that's something I've struggled with too. I tried Weight Watchers for a while, and I think one reason it's so popular is that it doesn't necessarily require you to cut out certain foods altogether. You can still treat yourself to junk food occasionally; the key is portion and calorie control. For example, I love pizza, but the last time I ordered some, I didn't get pepperoni (even though I love it); I got veggie toppings instead, and I ate fewer slices. That doesn't mean I'll never eat pepperoni again; it's just that I don't order it every time like I used to. And it helps to drink a lot of water.

    1. Thank you for the tips. I like pizza too. I don't think I was a good dancer, but it was fun and kept most of the weight off.

  6. I dislike dieting. Think--moderation. Vegetables, fruit and water are the key. I should take my own advice!! I have, again, started to walk on my treadmill at least once a day for a mile or two. This is what I keep telling myself---once I begin an excise routine it will become a habit and I'll feel better....

    1. That word was supposed to be exercise...

    2. No worries. I know what you meant. I loath dieting. I've been doing it since I was a kid. Today I'm officially fed up. I need to exercise too. I need to make it a habit. Thank you for the encouragement ,Cathrina.


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