Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Trust (IWSG)

I don’t know about you, but for me trust is important when conversing about my writing. I want to know and feel like I can share my secret life with someone who’s trustworthy and who wouldn't laugh or disperse info about my projects. Finding such a person or several persons is very rare. But they are out there, even for an introverted homebody like me. For me, it’s all about my gut. It lets me know who's trustworthy and who isn't.

More importantly, trusting yourself is even harder. I second guess my choices all the time and rarely trust my own judgment, even if my gut tells me I’m on the right track. But, I’m working on it.

Do you trust easily? Do you trust yourself? Do you share your writer experiences with anyone? 

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the talented Mr. Alex J. Cavanaugh, so that writers can share their insecurities and/or encourage others who need support with their own. You can visit Alex Here, or if you want to join us in discussing our insecurities on the first Wednesday of each month, you are welcome to join by going Here.


  1. When I was younger I trusted more easily, but not so much now. However, trusting myself is the big one, because the other stems from losing trust in myself at some point I think. I am working on that one. I have found some wonderful people in the community and a few I can share with that part of me and I am grateful.

    Juneta at Writer's Gambit

    1. Thank you for sharing with me. I agree, I use to be more trusting when I was younger too. I have to edit my manuscript and once again I have lost a lot of trust in myself. I hope your get some of your self-trust back. We can be so hard on ourselves sometimes. Thank you for following. This is such an amazing community.

  2. I don't trust easily either. And, yes, I second-guess myself and my writing as a result all the time. But I was lucky enough to find a reader for my latest project that I trust very much to give me honest feedback. Felt like a gift. :)

    1. It is definitely a gift once you find someone you can trust. It feels like a weight is lifted off ones shoulders. Thank you so much for stopping by and following.

  3. I'm not a great one for trusting people or things, I must admit. Self trust though is a different matter... More a matter of confidence for me!

    1. I'm not good with people in general. It can be really scary asking someone for help especially. Thank you for stopping by.

  4. Self-trust in writing is something I find difficult. That little self-doubt monster has a big mouth. As to other people, I'm wary but try to give as much initial trust as possible.

    1. The self-doubt monster does indeed have a big mouth. He knocks me around all the time. Don't worry, I'm weary of trusting new people too. It takes me quite a while to warm up to someone new. Thank you for visiting.

  5. Your post is kinda on the same theme as me this month - although you've worded it much better than I could :). I don't tend to trust that easily either - although lately, I have been opening up more about my writing, and I've been pleasantly surprised when people haven't laughed in my face! But I definitely have self-trust issues - I find it very difficult sometimes to trust that I'm doing the right things in my writing. Like Pat, I think it's probably a confidence issue too. But I think you should definitely trust your instincts, especially when it comes to something as personal as writing - at the end of the day, so long as you're happy and proud of what you've achieved, that's all that matters :).

    1. I think you worded it pretty well. You are so spot on when you say that as long as we're happy with our work and can be proud of it, that is all that matters. I should focus more on that than doubting myself all the time. I do have a problem with my writer's confidence too. We should be so much nicer to ourselves. Thank you for popping in.

  6. I trust pretty easily. I definitely trust myself. I discuss my writing with some people. Your post is a good one, with important points to ponder.


    1. Thank you Janie. I sometimes wish I could trust as easily as you and not be so paranoid.

  7. I'm all over the place on trust. Sometimes I run around trusting everyone I meet. Other times, not so much. Same for self trust. Sometimes I'm sure my opinions have all kinds of value. More often, I figure I'm an idiot.

    1. I can relate. I feel trusting now, but when someone does or says something mean, I'll just shut down again. Well, you are definitely not an idiot. Thank you for coming over.

  8. I'm not big on the trust thing when it comes to sharing my writing. Having a few close writer friends is enough trust for me and of course, I trust my editors. They've given some really good guidance.

    1. You are right. I hope to one day have that kind of relationship with an editor too. It must be wonderful. Thank you for popping in.

  9. Hi Murees,
    I think we all should be wise in dispensing our trust. But I would also say I rely on my intuition regarding it. I think we can usually trust those inner feelings.

    1. I've been wrong about people in the past when I followed logic, but I should have trusted my heart or gut. It hasn't failed me yet. I just hope it keeps on helping me make good choices. Thank you for visiting.

  10. Ha, I don't trust easily and I'm always second guessing myself. Bad, I know.

    1. I think we all second guess ourselves, but I think it just comes with the territory. Thanks for stopping by Lynda.

  11. Nope. I don't trust easy.
    Too many bad life experiences.
    Great blog friends though!

    1. I agree. My blog friends have helped me so much and some have really earned my trust. Thanks for visiting.

  12. I'm probably not the most trusting, especially with my private life. But if someone asks, I'll share my writing.

    1. I agree. My private life is private, which is why I write under a pen name. Some blogger friends really make me feel like they can be trusted, but I don't think I would be so trusting of a random person I meet. My love of privacy made me very hated among work colleagues, which is why I love my new job that involves me working from home. My brother is the best boss ever. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

  13. As mentioned in my IWSG, I have been part of a writing group for several years. Overall, it's the best thing I've done for my writing, but it does come with challenges. Not my relationship with the members of my group, they are both dear friends that I love to death, but it's a forum to always compare yourself to other writers which can sometimes make you doubt your own talents.

    1. Very true. I tend to compare my writing to that of other writers all the time and it does rather crush my confidence. Thank you for visiting and following. I will definitely return the favor.

  14. In real life, we become friends and then share secrets, but here in blogging its kinda different...we share secrets & then become friends....!!!

    1. I agree. The blogging community is really wonderful.


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