Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I love bookstores

Yesterday mom and I went down to our local used books store and there was something really comforting about walking down rows and rows of books. Seeing all the names of authors and searching for one or two books to purchase and escape into...It was great.

I completed a few pages of rewrites yesterday and I really hope I can do a few more today. Though I woke up feeling like I want to go back to bed and pray that tomorrow is a better day. Depression is affecting my writing life and I hate it. But oh well.

What are you up to today?


  1. Bookstores are pretty awesome! It's been a while since I've been in one to look for books, though. I buy most of mine online.

    Good luck with the rewrite!

    1. Thank you. I'll just take it page for page like you suggested. My family tends to buy books online too, but I had a low budget, so I went to a used books store. I wanted to buy a lot of books for as little money as possible.

  2. I think you need some cheese. Yup. Here you go. Here's a week's supply. Now every time the discouragement monster rears its head, I want you to hurl a piece of Parmesan at him. If you don't leave a dent, you didn't throw hard enough. =)

    Unleashing the Dreamworld

    1. Haha! Thank you so much Crystal. I actually love Parmesan too. I might just devour it all.

  3. I'm entering into the time of year when depression really affects me and my writing too. I don't do well in the dark of winter. And, worse, I'm querying a project, which naturally comes with a lot of rejection. So I anticipate my writing will suffer some. But I've got a new project to work on and I'm hoping my enthusiasm will help carry me through on a more even keel. We'll see. Good luck to you on the revisions. Stay creative. :)

    1. Thank you. I hope your writing doesn't suffer. It sounds like you have a lot to do. Best of luck with the querying. I have done it for four years and know it's not easy.

  4. I did some writing today and made owl cookies for my son's preschool class. I love bookstores and libraries. I want to live in one!

    1. Those owl cookies sound yummy! Wow, you have been pretty busy. But good for you for getting some writing done. I want to live in a bookstore too. I'm even trying to build up my own book collection, just to provide that similar comfort...Who am I kidding? I just really like looking at books. Crazy I know. I hope you get plenty more writing done and that the muse cooperates.

  5. I'm sorry you're depressed. I had a panic attack today, but I got past it. It helps me if I accomplish something, even if it's not something important. The feeling of completing something helps me. I've also gone for a long walk with Franklin every day lately. Walking makes him so happy. I have a great used bookstore not too far away, but it has so many books I'm afraid I'll get lost in the stacks. I like to order from Amazon. I spend more at the used bookstore because all those books are right in front of me, begging me to take them home.

    I hope you can hang in there. If you ever need to chat by email, I'm here.


    1. Thank you so much Janie. You are really kind.

      I should try accomplishing small things and see if it helps my mood. The depression is okay certain days and other days it presses down on me like a heavy weight, at which time I don't feel like doing anything. You are right about spending more money in used bookstores. I spent way more than I intended, but I couldn't leave those great books behind. My budget is not seeing my logic though. Me and my family usually order books online too. It is just so convenient. Thank you again, Janie.

  6. I'm also sorry you've been depressed. Sounds like Janie had some great suggestions for you! There's a lot to be said about accomplishing small goals. Good luck with your revisions, and take good care of yourself, Murees.


    1. Thank you very much. i'm just taking things slow for now.

  7. So sorry about depression. :-( I hope writing helps and doing things you love.

    1. Thank you. Please don't worry. I have been suffering with depression for years. It does get better. Doing the things I love definitely helps. Thank you again.

  8. Try going back to the bookstore. Wander around and soak up some more of those good vibes. If the store has a corner you can sit in, take a notebook and write a little while you're there. Maybe it will help you bring good feelings home with you.

    1. That is a great idea. I have this really bad tendency to buy all the books I want, even though I'm on a tight budget though. But the bookstore does make me feel a little happy.

  9. I like bookstores, too. Especially the independently owned ones. I hope the day never comes when they disappear.

    1. I agree. Independently owned bookstores are great.

  10. I love bookstores! More so if they have old books. One can always find hidden treasures there. Don't give in to the temptation of getting in the bed. Tomorrow can only be better if you start working on it since today. Believe me, I know. Dragon Hugs!

    1. I love the old books too. There are definitely great gems, as I recently discovered. Thanks for the hugs. Hugs make everything better.


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