Monday, November 17, 2014

Fast Forward

This morning I woke up feeling that all was wrong with the world and one of the dogs added to my crappy mood by having an accident in the house, while the other was barking at me rather heatedly. I cleaned the mess and took the dogs out again, but wanted to climb back into bed, pull the covers over my head and wait for Tuesday to roll along. Alas, I didn’t. Instead I stayed on the couch the rest of the day sulking, only getting up to help cook dinner.

After dinner my mood miraculously picked up and I set off for edits. I didn’t get as much done as I hoped, but managed to edit 10 pages. I think that’s good progress for one of my bad days. Also, I noticed that after editing a few pages I felt tired. I guess I’m mentally unfit. I haven’t written in a long time and jumping back unto the creative wagon takes practice. Hopefully I can do a little more tomorrow.

Mom wants to go back to the bookshop tomorrow. Hopefully I can accompany her without spending any more money. I should really be putting every penny towards my editing fund.

How are you doing? How has your Monday been?


  1. I know those days. I sit on the couch and don't get any work done. I spent a good part of my day playing in the snow. Fun even if my fingers did go numb! :)

    1. That sounds like real fun. It doesn't snow where I live, but I'm sure playing in snow is great.

  2. Yeah. I know that feeling. Trying REALLY hard not to go into sulk mode because I never get anything done when I feel that way.

    1. Normally I don't get much done either. I was relieved that my mood picked up closer to the evening. I could actually get some work done.

  3. Hi Murees - hope things pick up .. the little things can knock us .. but that's when we need to pick ourselves up and do something .. glad you got to editing though, and hope the bookstore hunt happens today .. cheers Hilary

    1. The bookshop was great. Mom bought some books and I only bought one. Once I start I can't stop. Thank you for your encouraging words Hilary. They're always appreciated.

  4. Yesterday was a funny day for me too. My head really didn't want to do much writing at all - and I'm struggling today too. Editing a few pages at a time is better than not doing anything!! Keep going :-)

    1. I know it's mean to say, but I'm glad I'm not the only one. Thank you for your kind words. I hope you feel better tomorrow.

  5. Ten pages of edits is good...every bit counts!

    1. Thank you. I definitely think it helps doing a little bit at a time.

  6. Crawling into bed to colour was what I wanted to do. lol. 10 pages edited is great on a bad day! Imagine what you'll do on a good one!!!!

    1. Thank you. I know, right? On a good day I might be a rewriting machine.

  7. I'm sorry you weren't feeling well today, but I hope you feel better soon. And thanks again for your support. It's always tempting to buy books. I should know, because I've run out of shelf space. Now I usually just buy e-books. One thing I do is peek at the last couple pages of books, especially because I've regretted more than one book purchase due to a disappointing ending.

    1. Thank you for your kind words and you're welcome. I'm out of shelf space too, but it still doesn't stop me. I skip to the end too, because I want my happy endings. I've bought books only to be disappointed after a few chapters. I like e-books too, but I still like paper books. Sometimes I just want a paper book to lie in bed with.

  8. I really wish I could have stayed in bed on Monday. Instead, I had to go to the day job. Tuesday was better, although today's another "I wish I could stay in bed" day. Editing ten pages is awesome. Really, it is. It's progress and progress is good. And I know what you mean about bookstores. I can't look in a bookstore without buying something. I have the same problem a lot of the time when I pop on Amazon.

    1. Luckily I work from home, which is why bed looked like a good idea. Thank you. I'm just happy I could do something instead of just sulk. Our book buying addiction could have been worse. We could have been buying clothes or shoes. At least books you can read over and over.

  9. Oh, getting back into writing is hard! I took four days off recently, and coming back was difficult. Stephen King was almost killed when a driver hit him, and he had to take a month or two off of writing. He said that coming back to it was painful, but everyday was better than the rest, until he finally got back into his groove.

    The first day of writing from just four days was painful, but it really has gotten easier, and it will for you too! Not to mention that edits are exhausting because you have to keep making decisions.

    You got this. You're not mentally unfit. You're normal.

    1. Thank you Katie. It is getting a little easier. But you're right, getting back into the groove of things can be painful. But I love writing too much to stay away for long.

  10. I pretty much feel like that every day (thanks pregnancy), but I find if I get up and am actively engaged in life--aka physical exertion--my brain is a great deal more helpful in the creative things. You've totally got this--one day at a time. Build on that mental capacity, eh?

    Unleashing the Dreamworld

    1. Thank you Crystal. You're right. Physical exertion does help. At least you have a reason to feel the way you do, you're home to a little human being at the moment. Congrats again.

  11. I spent last week not sleeping, so my productivity went way down the toilet. I'm hoping to get some more sleep this week and be much more productive. But I had quite a few days like the one you just described, minus the getting stuff done (save for one day that I really got a ton done out of sheer will power). Let's hope this week is far better for both of us!

    1. I really hope you get some sleep and that this week will indeed be better for both of us, you especially.


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