Monday, November 10, 2014

Stop hiding and face your rewrites

The time has finally come for me to take a big girl pill and stop hiding from my manuscript. Today I woke up feeling good and wanting to start on my rewrites and that is what I did. I full page worth. The last time I took it page by page and it was a lot less stressful and daunting. I don't handle stress well, so anything to make my life easier, the better.

My brother and I have been working around the clock on his research, but I will make time for my rewrites. History is full of writers who worked hard and had a busy life, but who still made time to write. So, no more excuses. I can do it and have to do it. I hate leaving projects incomplete.

The past few weeks my depression was really kicking my butt. I didn't feel like doing anything and the crazy heat didn't help matters much, but now I'm ready to work on my novel The Amaranthine again. So depression better watch out.

I hope all of you doing NaNoWriMo is fairing well. Wishing you the best.

For those not doing NaNo, what are you up to?


  1. Just edit depression right out of your life!

    1. I'm trying very hard. Hopefully I can beat it soon.

  2. One page at a time is a good way to approach rewrites. I always find thinking of all I need to do overwhelming, but if I break it up, then it's much easier.

    1. You are so right Cherie. Breaking it up is less intimidating. Hopefully it will make the world of difference for my rewrites. Thank you for visiting.

  3. Rewrites are always the hardest. It takes courage and self-confidence to get through them.

    1. Very true. My confidence is fleeting at the moment.

  4. Hi Murees - it's keeping going .. but you've got your brother to lead you on with his research ... a few stories there too I guess ... rewrites or new stories ... you'll get there - it's just working your way through .. good luck and go for it - cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you. I need to stop whining and get started.

  5. Ugh. Rewrites! They are tough to get motivated for, and easy to get distracted from, but once I'm finished with them I feel like a boss :)

    1. I am such a coward. I know once I finish I will be grateful. But keeping the momentum going is the trouble. But I need to suck it up and start.

  6. I here you. I've been hiding from rewrites too and decided today that I was done with hiding lol. Best of luck!

    1. Thank you. I hope you beat those rewrites.We can do it!

  7. I have never done NaNo. I considered doing it this year, but I got an editing job. It saved me from putting all that pressure on myself. Please take good care of yourself. I know how difficult depression is.


    1. Thank you Janie. I'm taking good care of myself. At least I hope I am. I'm even exercising. I have never taken part in NaNo either. I find it too stressful.


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