Saturday, November 10, 2012


I had written up an editing strategy for my second book, but I must now admit that I deviated from it and printed out my manuscript regardless. I could not make anymore changes on the computer. My eyes were starting to hurt and I was overlooking obvious mistakes. So, I printed the manuscript a lot earlier than planned, after all, I already fixed most of the obvious mistakes. I am sure editing will be a lot easier with this method, though, I do feel guilty for using so much paper. But it had to be done.


  1. I think printing it out definitely makes a difference. Activates a different part of the brain or something (I am not a scientist).

    Moody Writing

  2. I know the feeling! There's something about looking at the words on printed paper versus the computer that is so much more effective.

  3. Mooderino - You definitely know what you are talking about, because the editing process is going so much easier with the printed chapters.

    Liz - You are so right. I am seeing the words so much differently and clearer than I did before.

  4. I think you'll find the printed word alot easier to edit. I tend to find mistakes that were overlooked on the computer screen. Maybe it's reading the story from a different perspective, I'm not sure, but it really does make a difference.

  5. Andrea - I definitely agree with you. I find it so much easier to edit and reading on the computer just drove me crazy.

  6. Hi, I came to our blog via David Powers. I'm like you: I can read print-outs and catch errors on them more clearly than I can online. Good luck on your new rewrite.

  7. Elizabeth - It is very nice to meet you. I agree, printing out the manuscript is definitely my new strategy, as it just works out so much better for me. Thank you so much for stopping by.

  8. Thanks for commenting on my blog re: my husband's photo contest.

    PS: I'm following your blog now.

  9. Elizabeth - You are so very welcome! Thank you so much!


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