Wednesday, June 29, 2011


As many of you know I have been having a very difficult time with my writing and I have been feeling like quitting. But after reading all the comments this morning, telling me to keep going and telling me not to get disheartened, I feel so much better.

The blogging world is really a fantastic place and each and everyone of you is completely awesome. You guys are so supportive and provide so much encouragement that I was literally in tears this morning. I felt so lucky and special to be part of such a fantastic community that refuse to let me quit, no matter how sad I was. At times you guys believe more in me than I do myself and for that I am very grateful. Thank you!

So thank you everyone! You know who you are. You guys rock!! Yes, you heard me, YOU GUYS ROCK!!!


  1. I'm sorry I've been MIA! These past two weeks have been so crazy. But I'm here now, and happy to give you encouragement in your writing. There is nothing I can say that will make the pain of rejection feel better. It hurts and while it may hurt less with time, it still hurts. It's the worst part of writing. We can't give up because of it, though. That's one thing I am sure of.

  2. Brianna - Thank you for the great words. You are always super supportive and for that I am very thankful.


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