Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Staying focused

Hello my friends. I’ve been doing a lot of writing lately, as you might know. I’ve actually finished the first book in my Human Nature, Thriller series. It is a true first draft. It’s ugly, but the bones are there. I just have to clean it up, a lot. 

I’ve been so excited with this series that I started immediately with book two. But then, the strangest thing happened, which never usually happens. I started getting ideas, and scenes for future books of this series started flooding my mind, and I found myself jumping back and forth writing scenes from different books. It was like all writing inspiration I’ve been lacking over the years came rushing back all at once and I went into a writing frenzy. Sometimes writing 8 hours a day. Losing lots of sleep, but the writing had to get out of my head. It was flooding my brain and I couldn’t focus on anything than these books. 

Because my depression and Fibromyalgia (despite which I am permanently on medication for) plays havoc on my short term memory, I didn’t want to take the chance I might forget anything so I wrote it down immediately. Upsetting my nearest and dearest, but I had to get it out. It would play havoc with my sleep if I didn’t get it out. But I got most of it down. My sister wanted me to dictate most of my thoughts, and I will do that from now on, but then I forget the emotions and possible dialogue I had in my mind for a specific scene. 

So now I have a half written book here, a few scenes there and so forth. But I won’t give this flood of inspiration up for anything. The quiet and isolation of the extreme South African lockdown and that of the world did wonders for me. It rebooted my brain and made me whole again. It gave me a reprieve of all the noise (figurative) that I’ve been experiencing over the years. The human race were all just trying to survive. Nobody focused on war, or which celebrity was sleeping with whom. People all around could relate what was going on with one another, as we were all experiencing the same thing. It’s just such a relief for the mind and soul.

I’ve decided that I’ll try and do such an isolation once or twice a year. Even if it’s just for a week, or a few days. I just need this to survive in this crazy over crowded world with all its insanity, and new technologies popping up all the time, for the long term. I’m deeply introverted, so this type of Isolation suits me perfectly. Do all my shopping online and avoid most people all together sounds like a dream.

How do you recharge your batteries? Does your senses get overloaded quickly? How do you focus in this noisy world?


  1. Glad you were so productive!
    I'm mostly unplugged for the rest of the month, but since I'm still going to work, I'm still just as busy.

    1. Thank you. Going unplugged sounds so nice. But at least you can plan that at work you will be busy for X amount of time and you can do with the rest of your time and day as you wish. Enjoy your time away Alex.

  2. I am celebrating your flood of inspiration, and I hope it continues. <3

  3. I think it's perfectly fine to disconnect from the drama of the world and live in a peaceful bubble.

  4. I agree with you about forgetting something if I don't write it down as soon as I think of it. When I was a journalist I'd have the perfect headline and first couple paragraphs of a story in my head and by the time I got back to my desk they were gone. For that reason, I started jotting things down on anything I could find - napkin, paper bag, receipts. Glad you got your thoughts down. Looking forward to finding out more about your series. Take care and happy writing.

    1. Thank you, Mason😉 I few months ago I thought I would remember some ideas and when I went to write them, poof. Gone.

  5. Hi Murees - sounds good - it seems you've worked out the best way for you to produce. So pleased for you ... take care and keep writing ... all the best - Hilary

  6. I need Me Time every day separate from time I spend writing. My brain needs time to put itself back together. I'm happy you're writing again :)

  7. Hopefully all is well with you and you're just off rejuvenating your batteries. :)

    1. Thank you. Sorry, all the comments didn't appear in my email, which is why I didn't see your until later.

  8. Hi, Murees! Happy New Year!

    What you described is what I experienced writing my first three books. They all seemed to come on at once, which is good, because it allowed me to put stuff in the first book that would turn out as clues in the second and third. It really helped tie the entire series together. Even this last year I was writing two books at a time. Love when that happens!
    Good luck, and keep writing!

    1. Thank you. It is the first time I've ever experienced this. Your brain is amazing.

  9. Sounds like your creative juices are really flowing. Kudos to you for getting that first draft completed. It always feels good to write, "The End." Hope the rest of your year is just as productive!


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