Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The road to recovery continues

I had my appointment with my rheumatologist yesterday and didn't get the news I wanted. He can't give me a diagnosis, but he thinks it is chronic pain. The good news is that it's not arthritis. Yay. Though, having been on various medications for the past few months hasn't been fun. Got new meds yesterday again, which has me feeling groggy today. It is supposed to pass in a day or two. But he wants me to exercise to combat the depression.

Personally, I didn't feel he was very sympathetic. My brother said I was just being a baby. How do you exercise when you can barely summon the courage to take a shower? I don't like people thinking of me as lazy. I'm not. I just lack the energy and will to do most things.

So, I'm feeling very frustrated. I feel like I'm never going to know what the heck is wrong with my hands that are forever sore and aching. I'm afraid I'll have to be stuck with the pain forever. But my doctor wants me to exercise my hands too.

Have any of you ever gone through something like this?


  1. I'm sorry.
    Maybe if someone exercised with you it would help. Even if they just walked with you or sat with you doing hand exercises.
    Don't give up on finding the answer.

    1. Thank you, Alex. My sister has offered to be my exercise buddy. She's pretty fit. I'm kind of scared:)

  2. So sorry you're in pain, but glad that it's not arthritis. Hope you can find an exercise that helps without causing a lot of pain. I agree with Alex - Don't give up on finding the answer. There is one, it may just take a bit to find it. Take care.

    Thoughts in Progress
    and MC Book Tours

    1. Thank you, Mason. I hope to find the answer soon:)

  3. Hi Murees ... you need time to adjust and to think ... if the consultant can't help you right now - he probably can't - and then we need to fall back on ourselves - very challenging I know.

    I've a friend who's been having awful depression and feeling totally terrible - her docs told her to walk as much as she could. Being outside in the fresh air definitely helps - many who walk dogs and thus need to be out and about can only praise the way they feel. It is now an accepted fact that exercise helps us ... so start slowly and do a little as often as possible.

    My hip operation - I was given a variety of exercises to do regularly during the day - and again I did get better more easily ...

    I'm sure things will ease for you - it's just getting through this period, and then keeping the positive out front ... so Alex and Mason have good advice! All the very best - cheers Hilary

    1. The other thing of course - is getting out, even for a little while, will give you a new perspective ... good luck - Hilary

    2. Thank you, Hilary. I've been needing to get exercise for a while now. I guess this is just my bodies way of urging me:) If I do feel up for some exercise, it does make me feel better.

  4. I am sorry for your pain. I have chronic pain in one arm but I know the cause is baby car seats. I am not very tall and carrying those heavy awkward things strained my tendons on my dominant arm. Chiropractic visits help me.

    1. Thank you. Oh no! I'm sorry for your pain. It is definitely not fun. I'm glad you found something that can help.

  5. Deep breathing and meditation is supposed to help with all sorts of things. Can you do the hand exercises while you watch TV or a movie? That might distract you a bit. Is there some activity you enjoy or used to enjoy, like swimming or bike riding? You might be able to get up a little more energy for something like that and it would count as exercise. (I like to trick myself into calling things "activities" not "exercise.") :)

    Don't give up, Murees!

    1. Thank you, Madeline. I started doing my hand exercises in front of the TV yesterday. Walking is so basic, I'm trying to stick to it. Also, I remember liking to dance.

  6. Hope they can find something that helps you soon!

    1. Thank you, Deniz. I'm sure they will, it will just take a little more time:)

  7. If the pain is stopping you from living a normal life, I would keep searching for a cause if possible.

    1. Thank you, Tamara. I'm hanging in there, but hope to find a diagnosis within the next few months.

  8. Murees, I'm a chronic pain and fatigue sufferer--for 48 years. You learn to cope with what you can do each day. Some days, I'm the energizer bunny. Others, I'm a slug. Neither matters in the long run. Find the meds that *you* need. Take them as long as you need to see if they are the right ones for you. Rest when you need to. Tell others that each day is as it is. You can learn to live--and live well. {{{{hugs}}}} for the journey.

    1. Thank you, Zan Marie. You are an inspiration. It is nice to know that you still have a good life despite the pain. So, I can do it too. It will just take time. I like how you said, "each day is as it is". I will say that to my family from now on.

  9. Yes, I have gone through something like that. If I were with you, I would scold your brother for calling you a baby. Until he walks a mile or ten in your shoes, he has no idea how you feel. I have faith that you will come out of this. I have faith in God, and I have faith in you.


    1. Thank you, Janie. That means so much. I did scold him, my other sisters scolded him too:)

  10. I walk on the track at the Y every day and there's a woman who seems like she has pain in her hands and arms, judging by the way she holds them while she's walking. I just assume she walks to keep her joints limber, which somehow helps with the pain? But I don't know the solution for motivating yourself...just one day at a time, which can seem impossible. It could also be that you need a more compassionate doctor...

    1. Thank you, Stephanie. I've been told exercise does help to keep the joints healthy. My exercise is definitely more for medical reasons:) I've been referred to other specialists, so hopefully they will be more compassionate.

  11. Sometimes I think the only thing worse than a bad diagnosis is none at all. It doesn't make the pain any less real. I hope you find something that gives you relief.

    1. Thank you, LD. I'm feeling okay today. I'm sure I will find a diagnosis in the next few months.

  12. Thank you, Karen. I'm already trying your idea of setting small goals that are within reach so that I can feel like I accomplished something. It does help when I feel that I did something right for the day.

  13. I'm so sorry that you're going through this. And I think maybe you should consider another doctor, even though I'm sure that is a nightmare to even think about when you are already having such trouble. But if you didn't feel like he was sympathetic or really listening to you that isn't right at all. It's so important to have a doctor you can trust. I hope you can find someone who may be better able to address your needs!

    Take care and hang in there, we're all thinking of you. Hugs!

    1. Thank you, Julie. I have been referred to another doctor to treat my depression, so maybe now my rheumatologist can just focus on my hands. That is fine by me.

  14. Do you have access to any holistic practitioners near you? Acupuncture, yoga therapy, myofascial release, etc? I wish we were closer!
    Just keep doing the best you can and try to get outside daily so you don't isolate yourself.

    1. Thank you, Jennifer. I wish we were closer too;) I'm looking into getting outside daily.

  15. I'm so sorry that you're going through this. I truly hope you can find relief soon. Hang in there! xoxo

  16. YES!!!!!! Several years back I got so sick that I couldn't do much more than lay in bed. (This lasted for years, progressively getting worse.) I knew what was wrong with me but couldn't even summon the energy to begin combating it. That's the hardest part--the sense of despair. I know it's hard to see it, but there is hope. Maybe there's a physical therapist you can start working with. Maybe it's just a question of taking it easy and celebrating the smallest victories. My heart goes out to you.

    1. Thank you, Chrystal. The fact that you could fight back and get better is inspiring. Thank you for your kind words:)

  17. How do you exercise when you can barely summon the courage to take a shower? You walk. You walk every single day - just a few minutes to start with - and you don't give yourself any option. You take someone with you, or you at least get them to push you out of the door. You get days when you stand in the street and can't move any further, and then you make yourself. Yes, it sounds harsh, but I know what it feels like. After you've made a habit of walking, you let yourself enjoy it - the peace, and the scenery, and the birds flying past - and one day, you find yourself looking forward to it.

    Sending virtual hugs xx

    1. Thank you, Annalisa. My one sister is really into exercise and has been forcing me to exercise with her. She won't let me just say no. I rather do like walking. Plus, it is easy to do and free, which I like:)

  18. I hope you find what will ease your pain soon. Wish I had some great advice. I don't. I'm waiting for the results of my MRI. Hoping for good news.

    1. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping your MRI results is good news. I know how the waiting for the results can make one imagine all kinds of awful things. Good-luck and thank you for wishing me well, Beverly.

  19. I'm sorry that you're in pain, and I hope you start feeling much better really soon. As far as exercise goes, maybe just walking might help? Not power walking, but something at a more relaxed pace, so that you don't have to feel like you're in a hurry. I've been walking a lot lately, and it's less intense than lifting weights or doing cardio at the gym (plus I get bored doing the latter over and over again).

    1. Thank you, NW. I rather do enjoy walking. I've really been trying to make an effort to move around, even walk more. I'm sure things will be getting better soon;)


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