Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Making things a bit easier for me

Thank you so much for the amazing support during this month's IWSG post. Your kind words always provide comfort and inspiration.

A week or two ago the awesome Pat Garcia nominated me for the Liebster Award. As always, I felt very honored. But I haven't taken up the task of answering any of the questions Pat has set aside for me and because of this reason, I don't think I can accept this award. Sorry to disappoint you, Pat. I just don't feel up to it.

And for that exact reason, I won't be accepting any other blogging awards, or partaking in any other blog hops aside for the IWSG. I have decided to make things easier for me. I don't want to take on anything and not be able to see it through. Sorry if I'm disappointing anyone.

Some good news though. I wrote 1900 words today. It was great! I think breaking my writing up into smaller sessions helped today.

I hope all is going well with you my blogging friends. Let me know in the comments.


  1. Sounds like you're right on track and doing what is best for you. Sometimes we need to not get involved in everything that is going on around us. Congrats on your writing and keep up the good work.

  2. Do what you feel up to doing.
    Awesome word count!

  3. Hi Murees - I'm not good with awards either ... love them, but they do sidetrack one. Well done on writing so much ... keep on: it's good to concentrate ... cheers Hilary

  4. 1900 words is awesome! Keep at it, go at your own pace, and enjoy the process. :)

    1. Thank you, Madeline:) Now that the pressure is off, I am enjoying it.

  5. I see a lot of blogs that are award-free blogs for that reason. It's just a lot of pressure! But I'm sure she's happy to give you the award anyway! I'm switching to one-day-a-week blogging once my blog tour is over. Blogging is great, but I don't see that much benefit to blogging three days a week and I'd rather put that extra effort toward reading blogs!

    1. Thank you, Stephanie. I agree. I'm considering once a week too. And you are so right, so much pressure.

  6. Good work, Murees. Take good care of you!!

  7. Kudos on the 1900 words. And if you did everything that went by, you'd never have time to write.

  8. I know exactly how you feel. I accepted the Liebster Award twice already and went through all the steps. It takes a while. When I got nominated a third time, I was too busy writing my own posts and guest posts for a book tour and just couldn't do it. I don't think anyone minds too much. I don't think anyone I nominated took me up on answering my questions, and that is fine. It feels much better to work on your own writing anyway.

    1. Thank you, Tamara. You are right. It does feel good to be working on my own writing again. These days my time is so much more precious.

  9. Glad your writing is progressing Murees. Congratulations on getting the Liebster Award.
    Happy weekend.

    1. Thank you, Deanie. Happy weekend to you as well.

  10. It's good to put your priorities in order.

    So glad to read you're writing again. I write extremely slow. So I try to set a low goal of 1K a day. That works for me, and doesn't stress me out if I can't make that goal. I usually take the weekends off.

    1. Thank you, Cathrina. I've started to take the weekends off too. Somehow, the less I stress, the more I get done.

  11. Oh, by the way---1900 words is very impressive!!!!!

  12. cutting back on blogging helps free up time for writing when the mood is right - glad to hear you got some words down! keep at it, we're rooting for you!


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