Wednesday, December 3, 2014

I feel so blessed and honored (IWSG)

I’m not as insecure this month as I usually am. Maybe it’s because I’m getting off a high of finishing my first round of rewrites, which I thought I would never get through or finally achieving my first publishing credit, by having my short entry accepted and included into the IWSG Guide to Publishing and Beyond. Once again, a huge thank you to the IWSG Team for all their hard work and making the e-book possible. I’m among great company and feel so honored.

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the talented Mr. Alex J. Cavanaugh, so that writers can share their insecurities and/or encourage others who need support with their own. You can visit Alex Here, or if you want to join us in discussing our insecurities on the first Wednesday of each month, you are welcome to join by going Here.


  1. Congrats on getting published! I'm sure many will get this awesome (and FREE!!) book and appreciate your piece as well as the others in it. Thanks go to you and everyone involved for all the hard work and supporting the writing community! :)

  2. Congrats on being included in the book. I'm getting mine in a minute :-) It's really great to hear you sounding so happy and positive :-)

    1. Thank you! It feels so great to laugh and smile and finally have something to be excited about.

  3. Congratulations, Murees :)! What a lovely, positive post! You're making me feel a lot better about my own rewrites :). Hope you have a positive start to 2015 as well - here's to a positive New Year!

    1. Thank you so much! Good-luck with your rewrites. I wish you a fantastic 2015 as well.

  4. Congrats on your publishing cred! I just got one too, yesterday in fact. A short story I wrote was accepted for publication. It feels good! =)

    1. Congratulations to you as well! That is amazing. It really is a fantastic feeling. Thank you so much for stopping by.

  5. You are very kind. Husband is now having problems with his pacemaker, so hoping for not too many visits to the hospital before Christmas...

    1. Oh No! I hope he doesn't have any more problems either. Both of you need a break and for good things to come your way. I'm sending you tons of virtual hugs.

  6. Yay for your first publishing credit! And that's awesome you finished your rewrites. :D

  7. That is awesome. I got my copy this morning, van't wait to read it tonight!

  8. Yay!
    Congratulations! Being published is a wonderful feeling...
    Your excitement shines through and I'm so happy for you!
    Happy IWSG day.

    1. Thank you! You and the entire Insecure Writer's Support Group Team made it possible and I'm so grateful to all of you. Thank you!

  9. Oh yay, congratulations on being published! I just bought this guide today so look forward to reading your info!

  10. Congrats on the rewrites and publication. I feel the same way "honored to be among them" included. It is my first publication too.

  11. Your entry was great!!
    And I'm sorry I don't get by here as often as I should. I just corrected that in my Feedly reader.

    1. Thank you! I know you are very busy, but I feel so grateful whenever you do pop in.

  12. I started the day not feeling insecure, then had a (now former) client say my writing was "awful," so not such a good end to the day! She doesn't even speak English, so I'm trying to take it that she has no idea what good writing is in our language!

    1. I'm sorry! Usually that means the client simply doesn't want to pay for work already completed. I used to work as a copywriter and had the exact same problem. It's not your fault. There are always people who want to take advantage. Don't dare feel bad. Sending you plenty of virtual hugs.

    2. You get it! Yeah, this was a new client on Elance and I had red flags from the beginning. She's now asking for her money back and I'm saying no since I did her revisions and I suspect she's hopefully she'll leave it at that.

  13. Congratulations Murees! That's a great boost to your confidence. You're off to a good start. Think of all the things you've done that you didn't think were possible! Good job! Keep it up.

  14. Sounds like you have a lot of great things going on! Congratulations on your first publishing credit!

  15. Congratulations! I still have my first story published and it was a little drabble (100 words) about aliens. Hehehe!

    1. Thank you. It's great that you still have your first published story. I rather like aliens.

  16. YAY!!! Murees, you're published!! I just downloaded my copy today! So glad there's no insecurities this month!

  17. I'm glad to see you happy and optimistic.


  18. Congratulations on your first writing credit!! That's awesome :).
    Ninja Girl

  19. Murees congrats and prayers for your published work!! keeping smiling and keep hoping for the best :))

  20. Congratulations. You're doing great.

  21. Congrats! I'm so glad you have something to boost you up and make you feel good! I love moments like that. :)


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