Sunday, October 6, 2013

Things to do when you are unemployed

There comes a time in everyone’s life when they will find out what it is like to be unemployed. I have felt like this many times, as I have only ever had temp jobs and then the task of finding a new job ensues, boo hoo, who cares. Anyway, I have come up with a few ideas and things to do when you are unemployed and you have the need to fill your day, or just keep busy.

Of course there are the obvious things to do like:
  • Update your CV or resume.
  • Applying for new jobs.

If however you have done all that and you still have extra time left, you can do this:

  • Watch all the movies you have missed out on the past few months and in my case, even years.
  • Read all the books in your book pile that you have promised to get to, but never did.
  • Write that great novel you have had bubbling inside you for years.
  • Get a hobby like gardening, learn to play guitar or even start a blog or in my case learn to be a better blogger.
  • Catch up with friends and family you haven’t spoken to in ages, in my case I avoid all of them because they are far more successful than me and my ego needs a break.
  • Watch a few new series or catch up with the old ones you have missed.
  • Do tons of window shopping.
  • Learn to actually cook or bake.
  • Take on those DIY jobs you have been putting off.
  • Get some exercise. Something I really need to start doing. My love handles are telling me so.
  • Actually start caring about what you are eating, so taking on healthier eating habits.

What would you add to this list as something to do when you are unemployed and looking for something to do?


  1. You have wonderful ideas, Murees. Remember that the hardest thing is to start doing some of the things like exercising. I'm guilty, too. But once you start, it lifts your mood.
    Thinking of you and hope you're enjoying the weekend.

  2. And you are doing the most important thing...staying positive!

  3. Deanie - Thank you. I definitely need to start exercising.

    Teacher-Mom - Thank you. I definitely try.

  4. Hi Murees - initially it's like a holiday - but as Deanie says after a while we need to lift our mood -

    I'd volunteer - gives me a sense of purpose .. that's so necessary .. also it's an opportunity to try new things ..

    Cheers and good luck - but staying positive is so important .. Hilary

  5. Wow, you mostly hit everything that I do!

    My work schedule changes from week to week, but that's a good thing for me. It leaves me a lot of time to focus on writing. Since that's in the top of my priorities it works great. However, it does leave me with some free time every now and then, so I'm always happy to fill it with something.

    I learned how to can the other day, and that was kind of fun!

  6. Volunteer. There are tons of organizations in every community that rely on volunteers to do whatever they do. Find one you can get behind and jump in.

    (I know people who have found job leads this way, too.)

  7. Hilary - Thank you. You make a very good point.

    Katie - Canning is awesome. It is very practical, because you can use it everyday.

    LD - Great idea, thank you.

  8. When I was unemployed I wrote a lot and submitted a lot. That's all. I don't think I was as inventive as you :-) I hope the job search starts to bear fruit.

  9. When I was unemployed I wrote a lot and submitted a lot. That's all. I don't think I was as inventive as you :-) I hope the job search starts to bear fruit.

  10. Annalisa - Thank you. I am trying to write a lot too. It doesn't always work out that way. Certain days the writing is not flowing.


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