Thursday, August 22, 2013

Feedback received from first few query letters

As you know I have sent out a few query letters to literary agents and in the past few days I got a few replies. Three were the same as the other rejections that I have gotten in the past, mentioning that my book was not right for them at this time or that it wasn’t right for that specific agent, but that they encouraged me to keep querying other agents. The fourth one said that though this project was not right for them at that time, they encouraged me to submit any of my other projects to them in the future.

Now I know that might not sound like a big deal, but to me it means that though they didn’t like my paranormal romance novel, perhaps one of my contemporary novels might be to their taste. On the other hand, I have written one, but I never went on to edit it. I just always felt that The Amaranthine (book I am querying now) was the most important book to me, as it was the first book in my Undying series.

I also sent out two query letters to publishers, but they might take months to get back to me, if they even have the time at all. So for now I am just doing more research on who to query next. I am planning on sending away a few more query letters next week.

What are you up to my dear friends?


  1. I think you have a good point about the contemporary novel. It might be worth it to take another look at it and work on some editing. But I would keep going with Amaranthine too since it is the one that really has your heart. Good luck!

  2. Hi Murees,
    You are right that at least the fourth person encouraged you to send them some of your other work so that's a step in the right direction.
    I'm sure you will find exactly the right person to represent your book.

  3. Congratulations!!! That is a big deal. They want to look at something else you've written it means they like you writing.

    Don't give up.

  4. Wow. Those responses were faster than I thought they'd come. I'm glad you updated us. I'm definitely interested to see how this progresses for you!

    Keep on keepin' on!

  5. Wow. Those responses were faster than I thought they'd come. I'm glad you updated us. I'm definitely interested to see how this progresses for you!

    Keep on keepin' on!

  6. Julie - Thank you. I have to see The Amaranthine through to the end. I need to make sure that everyone had seen my baby and you are right, perhaps I can take another look at the contemporary while I am waiting for query responses. Thank you for the kind advice.

    Deanie - Thank you so much. I will keep trying.

    Jai - Thank you! That is exactly what I thought. I will keep at it.

    Katie - Thank you! I am not giving up yet, I have so much further to go. Thank you for the encouragement.

  7. Keep at it. It's a long process, but if you stick with it, eventually you'll find a home for your work.

  8. Sherry - Thank you. I am definitely trying to hang in there.


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