Friday, February 22, 2013


I know you guys must be wondering how the interview went and to put you out of your misery I will mention that it was absolutely terrible. But I got a call this morning to say that I was late for work and that I should have been there like an hour ago. So, I got the job (on very short notice). 

Thank you so much to everyone that wished me well and that has been leaving kind comments for me the past few weeks. You guys make my life so much greater.

My new job will involve working as a data capturer and it is also a short term contract, so it is also only for a few months. I am just happy that now I at least know where my next pay check is going to come from. 


  1. Who-hoo!! Awesome news. What a strange way to find out you've got the job though!! Really happy for you :-)

  2. Yipeee!!!! Go, Murees, Go!! This is like the best news today. You got a job! Congratulations. Doing happy dragon dance for you.

  3. Hey Murees,

    Congrats! You've been nominated for Sweetest Blogger in the Paying Forward Awards.


  4. Annalisa - Thank you! I know, right? But yeah, at least I got the job. Thank you for all your support.

    Al - Thank you! I wish I could see the happy dragon dance, I bet it is pretty cool. Thank you for all your kind words the past few weeks. They really mean a lot.

    Misha - Thank you so much! This is really great of you.

  5. YaY! That is the best news! Congrats!

  6. That's great news Murees!
    I'm so happy for you!

  7. Jai - Thank you. It is a relief to have found a job so quickly.

    Michelle - Thank you. You are so kind.

  8. Hi Murees,
    I nominated you for the Liebster Award over on my blog.
    = )

  9. Hi, Murees, I'm glad it all worked out. Your interview was probably better than you thought it was.

  10. Jai - Thank you so much!

    Elizabeth - Thank you and I guess it had to be. I am just happy that I got the job. Thank you for stopping by.


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