Wednesday, September 5, 2012


We as writers are truly very strange creatures. We all have our various methods of how we come up with our fabulous story ideas, as well as how we make them come to life. With these varying approaches, our daily writer moods also vary. The one day we feel completely insecure about those words we have written, fully believing that we do not have one drop of talent flowing through our veins (which most days is definitely me). The next day we can write a few sentences that can leave us feeling liking a genius and believing that we might have written a possible masterpiece.

Some of us might be more logical, some of us might even write with more passion than others, but one thing we all are, no matter what approach we take, is writers. Writing is that thing we do that sets us apart. No matter how we do it, or if it might seem unorthodox and if many just do not understand it. It is that thing we do to make us whole.

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the wonderful and talented author and blogger, Alex J. Cavanaugh. You guys can visit Alex over at


  1. You've nailed it, Murees. Plain and simple. It's just who we are and what we do.
    It doesn't matter that there are a gazillion different styles or ways in which we create these stories...

  2. I love writing and it is a big part of my life, but it doesn't make me "whole." But it is something that makes me different from others, yes. It has been great meeting other writers through the blogosphere!

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  3. Michelle - Thank you. I am glad that you can relate, after all, that is why I write my posts. To connect with like minded people.

    Allison - Very true, I also like meeting more and more of my fellow bloggers.

  4. Isn't that funny how we can go from thinking we're genius writers one day to believing we're crap the next? So true!!

  5. Here from Alex's blog. Great post. I could sooooo relate to what you wrote. My moments of doubt certainly ebb and flow from one day to the next. It's good to know I'm not alone. We must really love what we do. I can't imagine any other reason we'd put ourselves through such an emotional roller coaster, LOL. Love your blog. Will follow it from now on.

  6. Nancy - I am glad that you agree.

    Karen - I totally agree!

    Alex - Great! Thank you for stopping by.

    Andrea - Thank you! I have been told that writes must be masochists for doing what we do, but like you say, we just love it so much to stop.

  7. "It is that thing we do to make us whole." That is so perfectly right! Great post.

  8. I agree with Annalisa we do it because it fulfills some deep need within us and makes us whole.

  9. Annalisa - Thank you. I am happy that you enjoyed it.

    Corvus Press UK - So very true, thank you for stopping by and commenting.

  10. Absolutely. There's something about writing that nothing else can do. :)

  11. The Golden Eagle - I agree. Writing is the thing that saves me daily.

  12. Hi, Murees. I'm #192. I've been writing for 29 years. Can't imagine not writing. Just want to add one thing. Besides loving writing, I also love the internet. I'm meeting wonderful people, and as a result the world has become smaller and nicer. Happy IWSG.

  13. Joylene - I could not agree with you more. Being able to connect online with all my blogger friends has truly helped me with my writing. It is nice to meet you and thank you for stopping by.


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