Friday, September 28, 2012


As a writer I have many story ideas. All the writers know exactly what I am talking about. I have a binder that is labeled new story ideas. But, how are you suppose to choose which stories to write and which to leave till a later date?

I have recently discovered my answer, as the answer might differ from writer to writer. What works for me however, is when a story becomes a must for me. I obsess over it and when I sleep, I even dream and think of it. It becomes such an overwhelming force that I know I must write it or simply drive myself crazy.

So I guess, the story chooses me and if it moves me, in any way, it is the story I end up writing. My new story, Arken men, has exactly that effect. It has me obsessing and writing like a crazy person. But I rather enjoy it.


  1. I totally agree with you. Sometimes the urgency to write the story comes before the plot or the characters. It's just a gut feeling. You must put that "thing" down on paper.

    Great post.

    Greetings from London.

  2. A Cuban in London - Welcome and thank you so much for commenting. You are so right about calling it a gut feeling. That is perfectly said.

    Hope to see you around here again.

  3. I just love it when my writing comes like that. It just happens and it makes writing my story so fun.

    I'm glad you are on a writing streak. Keep it up:):):)

  4. I absolutely understand this. I have been obsessing about a new story for at least six months now. Awake and asleep. I have now started the research for it and it will get written! :)

  5. By the way, I meant to write the other day but totally forgot that in 2009 I was given permission by The Guardian newspaper, a UK-based broadsheet, to reproduce an essay by the British write Zadie Smith. It was entitled "What Makes a Good Writer?" and I posted it in fifteen weekly instalments between September '09 and December of the same year, accompanied by original illustrations by my good Cuban friend and caricaturist Garrincha. If you type in Zadie Smith on my blog, you should have plenty to muse over. Zadie's theories and reflections on the art of writing were very useful to me (even if I didn't necessarily agree with all of them). I hope you find them useful, too.

    Greetings from London.

  6. It sounds like the story chooses you... instead of the other way round? Mmm, very interesting theory.

  7. Ink in the book - Thank you.

    Rebecca - Great! That is so fantastic. I hope you enjoy the process.

    A Cuban in London - Thank you so much for the tip, I will do that.

    Michelle - It is just how it happens.

  8. Never consciously considered this. I like your theory, the story chooses you, not the converse. Interesting post.

  9. That's exactly how it happens for me too. It's a great feeling isn't it?

  10. Andrea Franco-Cook - Thank you. I know it sounds crazy, but it truly is my method.

    Annalisa - I am so glad that I am not alone. It is definitely a great feeling. Thank you for making me feel like I am not crazy.

  11. I think yu're absolutely right. When the story just won't drift off into subconscius, thats when yu MUST write it!

  12. I came here thrugh ISWG but will follow yu with interest!

  13. Writer Pat Newcombe - Thank you for following my blog and I am sorry for not having a post written for you this month.


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