Friday, November 4, 2011


So I won another award. The Versatile Blogger award, but I have already received it before and because I am such an award hoarder I will accept it anyway. I mean you don't see people say no thank you to another grammy do you? I didn't think so.

Moving on...

This award does come with rules so here goes.

1. Thank and link to the person that nominated you.

Thank you so much Nicole,, for this award. I am very grateful. You are just awesome.

2. Share 7 random facts about yourself.

I have a tattoo on the inside of my left wrist.
I just love animals.

My eyes are sensitive to bright light.

I can't eat meat.
I get car sick.

I am afraid of heights.

I am a very picky reader.

3. Because I am such a natural rebel, I am going to simply post this award and whoever hasn't received it yet is free to take this award. Yes, I am serious.


  1. Congratulations! It is strangely a lot of work to give them out, isn't it?

  2. The Golden Eagle - Thank you!

    Tonja - Thanks. It is a lot of work and I always pass the award on and then it turns out that the people already have that award or are not into the whole giving or accepting awards thing. Which is why I hoped that this strategy would work out better.

    Lola X - Thank you.

  3. Congrats on the award. I'm afraid of heights too. You should see me on an airplane.

  4. Donna - Thanks. I freak out on the plane too! Thank you for sharing with me.

  5. Oh I SOOOO want a tattoo on the inside of my wrist. Two, actually, one on each wrist. Tiny little Chinese characters of my husband and kids' names. I don't get car sick and I DO eat meat, but other than that, we're a match.

  6. Nancy - That is so great. My tattoo is also a simble of my family. I always think the more personal the better the tatto. Thank you for stopping by.


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