Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The price of a custom domain

Hello my beauties! How are you doing today? I’m doing good. I’ve finally started with the second draft of book 2 in my Thelum series, which will be called The Executioner. I’m taking it slow, but I must admit I’m rather enjoying the whole process. A lot more than I think I did with book 1.

So, on to today’s post. I few years ago I had gotten a custom domain name. I went from The Daily Drama of an Aspiring Writer to mureesdupe.com. To this day I think it was one of those wow moments for me. It was one of those things with which I proved to myself that I was serious about my writing. Back then I had bought my domain name on a whim for 3 year period. That means after 3 years I must renew my custom domain, and pay for a new term. I only chose to renew for one year this time. Do you know why?

The renewal of my custom domain cost as much as when I had initially bought it, if not more. And I could only afford to extend it for another year. If I extended it anymore it would've cost more than when I had bought the domain in the first place. When I had decided to get a custom domain, I didn’t think about the renewal rate. I didn’t think about additional features. I just assumed the renewal would always be less than the initial price, and I thought somehow that it will last forever. Man, was I wrong. Only when the custom domain expiry date came closer I finally decided to check how much the renewal cost actually was, and I couldn’t help but feel a little flustered and angry. Let’s not forget, with every custom domain you need the protected registration stuff too, so that no one can see your private info and that costs quite a bit too. Before you know it, you’re spending a fortune. Or at least that’s what I found happened to me. It's my own fault of course. I don’t have a problem with my current service provider. They’re always friendly and ready to help me, but the costs are high.

After all this I realized that I could actually just have gone with a website from the start. Sure it costs more upfront, but in the long term it would be cheaper, and to renew the website domain would be cheaper than updating my custom domain name. That is what I hope to do in the next year. Actually host my own website, and move my blog there. That is my new goal. Why? Because I just assumed Blogger will always exist. Well, that isn’t the case. They could close down and then all my content would be gone.

So what is the point? Do your research first before you do a custom domain. Look at that renewal costs. Looks at the various options and what you get for your money. Don’t rush things, like I did. Look for a service provider that works for you, or your budget. Don't just go with whomever Blogger recommends. Don’t get me wrong, I love my custom domain name. I just wish I hadn’t skimped on the details and had considered all the costs. 

In fact, I never even considered a website in the first place. I just wanted a blog. But now I realize I could still blog from a website. I could even sell my books from a website. It would give me more freedom. That I would actually own it. But that is at least another year away. 

Have you made a similar mistake? Do you know of another way to not pay a fortune for a custom domain? Or just share your thoughts.


  1. Way back, I had a website then a website and a blog, now I have the blog alone. At this point, I like having one online home, but never say never. :)

    1. I love my blog too. But I don't like the idea of not owning it, or that one day I could lose it. But I agree with you about one online home.

  2. Hi Murees - I only have a blog ... I probably should secure my name - but for now it can wait. Also I probably need to move across to WP ... but it's the way it is - and I'll leave it for now - such is life. I'm afraid I go with the easy option, til I need to do something else ... take care - cheers Hilary

  3. I purchased a custom domain five years ago and fortunately the renewal each year is the same price as it cost, which isn't much. You can always transfer your domain name to someone cheaper.

    1. I'm really considering transferring to someone cheaper, Alex. I keep getting billed for things I don't even want, every time I do some kind of a purchase.

  4. I have a custom domain through Wordpress for my author website. It was cheap the first time I had to pay and the renewal each year is cheap, too. I never looked into a custom domain for my blog with Blogger.

    1. I seem to be the only one complaining about the renewal costs. Maybe it's just expensive to me because of my local currency. But I have ended up paying for extras that were forced upon me. Lesson learned though.

  5. I have a website that predates my blog. But someone else did it all and it was never current. Then I started blogging. I went with what I hoped would be a catchy title and have something to do with the beach, since that was what I was writing at the time. So now finally this year my website is fixed so that I can actually do all the day-to-day stuff and update it a million times a day if I choose. The website is www.carolkilgore.net - I couldn't get .com because it belongs to a Realtor in Las Vegas. Sigh. So now my online homes don't match, except I have a direct link to my Blogger blog from my website and all book information is in both places. They have the same header photo, but the information on the first page people see is different. The blog was once the most current. But since I only blog once a month now, you'll find the newest book information on my website. I agree it's kind of a mess, but I don't know what to do about it yet.

    1. I've decided to keep my blog going here. I think a website is so far off for me, so I'd rather just spend my energy on this one home. Although, I think your website and blog both look fab, Carol.

  6. I've never considered a custom domain, so I only know what you just told me about it. I guess I'm glad I never bothered with it. I'm working on an online writing portfolio. I'm using a "basic" service that's free. If I paid some money, I could get a custom domain, but I doubt if it's worth it.


    1. A custom domain is great. I think I end up making things far worse. Everyone who've commented have no complaints. I think it's just me;)

  7. I was convinced to set up a custom domain because I was told it would make me people take me seriously as a writer. I have no idea if that's true or not. I do know I have to pay the renewal every year and it's quite expensive. I've also thought about what if blogger ceased to exist? I would be crushed to lose everything. Yet I haven't found a way to save my content.

    1. You can export your blog, or even do a back-up of it and it saves to your computer. It gives you that option somewhere in the setting area. I also heard that the custom domain makes people take you seriously. But I don't think it really makes a difference. If a reader really wants to find you, they will read your blog whether it's custom or not. That's what I found;)

  8. I made a similar mistake when I got the idea of starting a totally new blog. I didn't research and rushed into it, and now I don't even write on that blog! I can understand your frustration. But I guess all we can do is live and learn, however irritating it all is.
    How great that you've started on Book Two and are enjoying it. Yay!!

    1. Thank you, Julie. Definitely live and learn through the irritation;) Yeah, book two does make me smile.

  9. Thank you so much for your kindness, Murees. Interesting question. I had a blog for many years, then discovered I had a grandson who is a graphics designer and willing to create and run my website. Both have different advantages, therefore if you have a time, which I don't, I'm now full time carer for a disabled husband, think both are important. I stopped blogging because of my role as carer and found that I lost an important part of my life as a writer. Now I'm having to build the blog again, as I stupidly let it go when driving backwards and forwards to the hospital. Never mind, all part of life...

    1. You are very welcome, Carole. I know I've missed your posts. I understand how tough being a carer can be. I remember the time with my dad. Wishing you the best with your new blog.

  10. I have a custom web domain. Actually I have two. And together, they, plus hosting and up to 99 email addresses, cost me R99 a month.

    Let me know if you want me to put you in touch with my hosting provider. You can transfer the hosting elsewhere. :-)

    1. Oh wow, Misha. That sounds like a bargain. Good for you. I will email you for the details. Thank you.

  11. I have my own URL too. I go through Dot Easy and they're fairly cheap. (I think? I don't know any other prices from other ones to compare them to!) My blog does get way more traffic, and it was free on Blogger. My husband is a programmer and prettied up my website. It's nice to present that to people.

    1. Oh, it is so cool that your husband could help you with your website. I'm jealous;) Thank you for telling me about, Dot Easy. I'll check them out. I think I'll definitely stick to a blog though and let the website idea go for now;) I just like how easy a blog is to navigate. Thank you for stopping by Christine.

  12. Sometimes, it feels so complicated, I want to just grab a notebook and pen and head outside to write.

  13. Yes, I also did that for my main site. Used a blog and directed my domain name to it. And now I have to renew yearly.

    1. I like how easy it is to do. I will look for a cheaper service provider in the future and look at a longer plan, as renewing yearly can become pricey. Thank you for visiting.


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I am alive and well. Life keeps going on.  I've started re-formatting the e-book of the Executioner (my 2nd fantasy book in my Thelum se...