Thursday, May 11, 2017

Just keep going

Hey friends. In one of my previous posts I spoke of how South Africa’s investment grade has been downgraded to junk status. The country didn’t collapse overnight, even though the tension within the country is high. There was no sudden collapse of order either.  One thing I’ve learnt about South Africans is that we are resilient and we adapt to change very quickly. We keep on surviving no matter what we are faced with. That quality alone makes me proud to be South African.

As a teenager, that wasn’t always the case. I felt like good things didn’t happen here. Or that if you wanted to achieve something or be successful, you had to be from America, for instance. Thankfully, thanks to many South Africans proving me wrong and leading the way, I’ve learnt you can still be successful in any career you want, as long as you work hard, and it doesn’t matter where you come from. I’ve never been more thankful for that lesson than I am today. Great writers from my country have shown me that I can be a good writer. That the only thing that is holding me back, is me. That is so true.

I guess we’ll see what the future holds for us over the coming months. I’m not afraid as I used to be. I have my family and I have all of you, my friends. I have all I need. In therapy I learnt that I have high self-destructive instincts. For some reason I don’t think or believe, that I, as an individual, am allowed to be happy. Crazy, right? But I’m learning how to change that. So, come what may, I’m ready and I’ll even write about it.

How are you doing?


  1. Just hang on to that hope and keep pushing forward. Great writers do come from South Africa. After all, you do! And so does one of our IWSG admins.

    1. Aw, thanks. I indeed met many great writers from South Africa thanks to blogging.

    2. Thanks, Alex!
      I think you're referring to me. I'm the only IWSG admin from SA!
      A great pick-me-upper comment to get me through those difficult moments.

  2. I also believe hard work and perseverance pays off. Almost every success story comes with years of hardship- I suppose those are the learning years.

    1. Indeed. Luckilly I don't mind working hard and learning.

  3. Hi Murees - well done ... you're probably in the best place ... a smaller community, one which is understanding of the world around you - then you can break out and expand your horizons ... it will happen - so as you say keep on, keep on writing! All the best - cheers Hilary

  4. Murees, the Champion
    This is a great post. You drew me in immediately and I wanted more when it ended. Everyone has their own personal
    reasons for reading but when I read, I want to learn something. I know nothing about South Africa and I love it when you talk about your country in your own personal way. My gut tells me the world would welcome a book about your country, written in your brilliant style.
    Morning has spoken to me with a slight covering of snow on the ground. What the heck? It's almost the middle of May and that means we may not have fruit on the trees and all my fruit trees are in full bloom. Dang this mountain
    weather (sometimes). lol

    1. Thank you, Belva. Your words are very kind. I have been asked to write more about South Africa. But I have been hesitant. It is so dry here, we need some rain😀

  5. The world needs more books by Murees Dupe! You should definitely believe in yourself - you can do anything you put your mind too, I firmly believe that :). Loving the new blog look btw!!

    1. Thank you for all your kind and encouraging words.

  6. Thank you, Karen. I've learnt that taking care of myself is a must. Hard lesson, but an important one.

  7. Yeah, I think the "Global economy" is kind of breaking down. The thing is, most countries can sustain themselves from their own natural resources. That's what it boils down to. Regardless, I wish you peace of mind and a firm determination in going forward. What you've got to offer is of great worth.

  8. You can do this, Murees! You definitely deserve to be happy!

  9. I'm so glad that the collapse in your country did not happen as you had feared. I hope the tension has eased at least a little bit. I totally understand feeling afraid of where your country is headed as that's how I feel in the US right now and it's an uneasy feeling to say the least.
    I so admire you for deciding to see a therapist and do this hard work for yourself. It's amazing what you have accomplished already and it's inspiring to read. I hope things only get better and better for you. Hugs!

    1. Thank you, Julie. Therapy is a lot of hard work;) But really is helping me so much.

  10. Wishing you all the best!
    Perseverance - you have it!

  11. Those are some good things you've learned. I'd like to think that although it's easy to blame things we can't control, it's better to at least try and use the things we can control (our talents, our passion, hard work) to try to succeed.

    Hope you're doing well!

    1. Thanks, Misha. I am absolutely working hard.

  12. Holy cow - you DO deserve to be happy, you DO!! Put guilt and blame where they belong as there are plenty of rotten people ion the world. If you know right from wrong and do the best you can, then you deserve respect from others, and to be proud of yourself. Admirable people deserve to be happy, though what people deserve and what they get are often two different things. Good luck in changing your attitude and owning the great person you ARE!

  13. Hi Murees!
    Alex has spoken... we are great writers! YAY!
    Let's own it! *grabs great-writer title and hugs it to chest*
    Have a wonderful June!

  14. I'm sorry to hear that their was a collapse in your country, but I'm happy that it hadn't been as bad as feared. We all deserve to be happy. We just have to find and grab onto that happiness.


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