Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Making a few changes

I haven't really been sure what I wanted to blog about. I feel like I'm always just going on about myself and I know what most people want is useful information:) Unfortunately, today I am once again prattling on about myself;)

So, one of the things that bothered me for months was the print version of my book, because it didn't come out as the online previewer promised. My awesome cover artist, Jennie Bennett made me a new one, for both the e-book and print. The print book came out just like I had always imagined. I am very happy:)

E-book cover 

Print cover

These covers are exactly what I had always dreamed of. It is drastically different from the original, but if it makes any sense, it is a lot more "me" and closer to my vision for the series. 

Book two is still waiting patiently in the wings to be completed, but I am chipping away at it word by word, everyday, so to my Thelum Series fans, do not worry. It will get done.

* I have decided to offer my freelancing skills to the public and one of the tabs on my blog above, indicate that I am can now write for you, my dear readers as well. If you don't want to write your own blog posts, or if you want someone to help write your novel, or short story for you, I am available:) Hint-Hint. It is definitely scary. But my next step in therapy is to find a part-time job. So, I chose to take a shot at freelancing. Fingers crossed.

* Also, I've joined the Amazon Associates program to see if I can use that as a means to support myself. So, my blog does use affiliate links, but at no cost, (additional or otherwise) to you my friends. It just means that if you make a purchase by using one of my affiliate links, that I make a few pennies too, at no cost to you of course.

I really don't want to go back to an office job, which is why I started doing the above two things. If it offends anyone, I do apologize.

Please, to all that are traveling, do so safely. If your roads are as busy as ours in South Africa, I wish you all to get to your destinations safely, regardless of the rush and impatience on the road. My family and I always prefer to be home during the busy seasons. 

Stay safe everyone. Wishing you all well. 


  1. Superb cover - very dramatic! Congratulations to you and great work by your designer :)Wishing you a lovely December, Murees.

    1. Thank you, Nicola. A wonderful festive time to you as well.

  2. Love the new cover. It looks very mysterious. Good luck with your new endeavors. I agree with you about staying home during the busy season. I'm not one that likes being in a heavy traffic all the time. Wishing you a safe and joyous December.

    1. Thank you, Mason. A wonderful December to you too.

  3. I love red...but avoid it in covers because it washes out so badly when the resolution is reduced in posts. Are you satisfied with how this looks? I'm sure the silhouette really snaps in the original image. Wishing you sales out the wazoo.

    1. Thank you, Mac. I love it. The drop in resolution doesn't bother me. The style and theme is right on for this series.

  4. The IWSG is all about venting and supporting each other. If my IWSG post had to be full of useful information, I'd be in trouble. :)

    1. Unfortunately, I am no longer part of IWSG. I had to take a few months off. Thank you for always supporting me, Madeline.

  5. I love the colors in your cover, and I love that you find it closer to your vision of your series. That's so important!

    And I agree with Madeline—my IWSG posts had to be full of useful information, I don't think I would ever post one. :)

    May you experience much freelancing success!

    1. Thank you for the support, M.J. I also thought it was very important. I had to drop out of the IWSG.

  6. Wow. We can hire to write? That's interesting. I wish you all the best with your freelancing!

  7. All the best with the freelancing and the Amazon Associates program too. I hope everything works out well.
    You're trying new things and that's how we stretch ourselves and grow. Good for you, Murees!
    Happy IWSG Day!

    1. Thank you, Michelle. I really hope to grow and learn.

  8. I absolutely LOVE the red color of your new cover. Fantastic! The whole cover is so eye-catching and it's wonderful that you now have something that is more "you."

    I think it's great you are taking the freelancing and affiliate steps. Good luck!!

    1. Thank you, Julie. I really appreciate your support. I've learned that being true to myself and my vision is very important.

  9. You're not "prattling" about yourself. We care about you and want to know what's happening in your life. I'm glad you like the new cover.


  10. Awesome your stepping out and trying something new. I don't blame you for not wanting to go back to an office job.
    And I think the cover is striking.

    1. Thank you, Alex. I don't have the personality to work around people the whole day. I'm a loner and I tend to offend people with my anti-social behavior and don't always realize it.

      Trying something new is very scary, but I need to do it.

  11. I've considered the Amazon Associates program too. Let me know how it works out for you and if you think it is worthwhile please? And I don't think you ever need to apologize for getting paid for your services! Love the new cover too!

    1. Thank you, Jennifer. You are very kind. I will let you know how things work out.

  12. I really like the cover too. The branches and the red are very entriguing. I wish the best for you with your freelance work.

  13. Well done Murees - that's great news and I'm so pleased you're creating new ideas, designing new things and with help getting covers designed etc ... clever - so pleased for you ... love the cover and glad it suits you better ... cheers Hilary

  14. You have a beautiful cover. Congratulations on that. It also sounds like you have found an opening to doing what you love to do. I'm very happy that has happened.
    All the best.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G

    1. Thank you, Pat. I do love writing and hope to do so full-time one day. Wishing you well.

  15. Congrats on the book. I like what you have done. I am considering something similar.

    Happy Holidays
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

    1. Thank you, Juneta. Definitely go with what feels right to you. Have a wonderful festive season as well.

  16. Thank you, Karen. I appreciate the support.

  17. lovely, eye catching cover! and way to take on a brave new adventure of freelancing! i wish you tons of luck and prosperity in 2017!

    and i wanted to thank you for stopping by my Cradle Rock release tour at Juneta's blog =)

    1. Hello Tara. It's my pleasure. Thank you. I really hope I can get it right:) I can't think of doing any other job at the moment.

  18. Sorry I'm so late, Murees. Major wifi problems, which I'm crossing my fingers are now fixed. I love the new cover. It's dramatic, alluring, and will draw readers to it, I'm sure. I wish you best in your endeavour to find editing work. I don't blame you for not wanting to work in an office. Best of success to you.

    1. Thank you, Joylene. I understand about the wifi problems. It happens to us a lot too. Happy holiday greetings.


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I am alive and well. Life keeps going on.  I've started re-formatting the e-book of the Executioner (my 2nd fantasy book in my Thelum se...