Friday, August 28, 2015

Getting back in the swing of things

Last night I decided to stop procrastinating and tackle my second book's rewrites (Thelum Series). I originally wrote it shortly after the first book and back then I was in the zone. I had the finer details for both books in my mind as I did the drafts for the second book. Well, last night I had to rewrite an important scene (if not the most important scene in the second book) and I was at a blank.

I knew exactly what had to happen or how it had to happen. What had me a little unsure was that I was a little uncertain about the main character's voice. I couldn't use words she wouldn't have used in book 1 and she had to think the same way, as in book 1. But I know I will get it right. I just have to get back into the zone. In order to do that, I just need some alone time. I can edit in public, but when it comes to the actual writing . . . I need to be alone. Solitude makes me happy. I have been in editing mode for so long.

As for my pending release, I'm scared. I don't really know what to expect. So many people have offered to help me spread the word, I'm in aw. Knowing that actual people will see my book is kind of freaking me out. I'm used to being the wallflower.

Also, to get rid of my anxiety I have opted for regular exercise. Yes, don't look so shocked:) I am dancing around the house these days, or walking again. I must admit, by body does feel much happier when it gets exercise. So far my depression is hiding, probably because my anxiety and nerves is kicking it's butt.

Don't get me wrong, I am not ungrateful. I'm just a chicken and most new things scare me. Have a great weekend.


  1. chill, chill, chill

    It isn't like facing a ticked off dragon with nothing but a penknife.

    1. Very true, Mac. If I was facing a dragon, I would definitely be toast. Thank you for the encouragement.

  2. You'll be fine! Keep up the exercise. It's great for both body and mind.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement! You are awesome.

  3. I actually think it might be like facing a ticked off dragon with a pen-knife . . . sorry, but I feel your terror like my own. When my first book came out, I wanted to hide not market it. My parents insisted on taking my family and I out for a celebratory dinner and then my mom showed our hostess, waitress, and the people at the next table over my book. I wanted to crawl under the table. I knew she meant well and I'm thankful for her support, but it was hard for me.

    However, I know from that experience that you can survive and thrive. You can take that pen-knife and send it flying into the dragon's eye, then do a few back-flips for good measure and land on your feet.

    Way to go with the exercise! - it usually helps with stress and is just a good thing all around.

    1. Thank you so much Tyrean. Your words really help. That dragon looks pretty scary, but I think I can take it, like you said:) The exercise is working. I usually find keeping it up over the long-term is my problem. Thank you again.

  4. Exercise is great for relieving stress and for our health overall! You have a lovely blog. :)

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and for visiting.

  5. Keep exercising - and breathe deep. You'll be fine!

  6. I'm a chicken, too, but I'm such a chicken that I won't even write a book. You are brave, Murees. I am proud of you.


  7. Release days do get easier, I think. You don't know what to expect but after the second one, you realize there isn't much to expect, actually. Your book comes out, you get the word out as best you can, and you just wait. It's tough but once you realize you can only control so much of it, it does get easier!

    1. Thank you for your kind and comforting words. I do hope things get easier:) I just have to remain calm.

  8. Toast yes, you'll be the toast of the town. I rarely read fiction anymore due to my
    poor eyesight but I'm going to read your book. You are always "there" for everyone,
    to cheer them on and offer good advice. Now it's your turn to be at the other end.
    You will glow.

    1. Thank you so much, Manzanita! You always make me feel inspired.

  9. Take a deep breath. Go for a walk. You will be just fine. :) You already have a lot of people supporting you. That's more than I had when my first eBook came out. You've got this!

    1. Thank you so much, Chrys. I think I need a walk right now:) Thank you so much for the follow.

  10. The easiest thing to do to pick up your character's voice is to re-read the previous book. Then, when you're editing the new one, re-read the rest of the series so you can ensure that 1) The PoV character sounds like the same person 2) That you've actually accounting for the way in which the character's growth impacts on his/her voice.

    Best of luck with finding that zone!

    1. Thank you, Misha. I will definitely try this. You are very kind:)

  11. Exercise can make you happier; Elle Woods from Legally Blonde pointed out that exercise gives you endorphins, which put you in a good mood. And best of luck with the book release! I'm sure it will be great; one thing I've learned about the blogging community is just about everyone is very supportive of each other's writing.

    1. Thank you. Now I'm in the mood to watch Legally Blonde:) I know it will go well. All the best to you. Thank you for visiting.

  12. Just keep on, no matter what! Enjoy the journey as well, exercise...exercise!


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I am alive and well. Life keeps going on.  I've started re-formatting the e-book of the Executioner (my 2nd fantasy book in my Thelum se...