Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The holiday is over and broken hinges

Walking beside the beach in Gordon's Bay

Two weeks ago I went on holiday with my sister and it was fun. My mom joined us and my sister woke us up each morning before nine and insisted we stay up late, after one in the evening. Needless to say, I was tired when I finally got home. It took my another week to get back to normal. On our holiday in Gordon’s Bay, we discovered a fantastic book store, where I could spend days looking at all the titles, because they are filled to bursting with so many amazing titles. I ended up spending quite a few hours there. My sister and I did end up walking around at the harbor and on the beach, even though it is winter. Luckily no hiking was involved. When I got home I doubled timed my editing and finally sent my manuscript back to my amazing editor.

Book shop (view 1)

Book shop (view 2)

My laptop’s hinges broke and now I am rocking masking tape at the ends of my laptop to keep them together. Luckily it is holding together well. But I’m a little sad. I get strangely attached to my computer. Maybe because I named it? My laptop’s name is Sophia J

Yep, my laptop is rocking masking tape now

Yesterday my dog had to go back to the vet. His Addison’s has been getting worse, so his medication had to be adjusted again. Last night he woke me up at three, because he wanted to go outside and play. I was not amused, but if he felt well enough to play, I’m all for it. 

My boy taking one of his naps


  1. If he's feeling up to playing, that's a good sign.
    Looks like you had a good time on holiday, even if you were tired.
    Here in the USA, duct tape would've been used on those hinges. People use it for everything. I've even seen car bumpers held on with duct tape.

    1. If I had duct tape I would probably have used that too :) Thank you for always stopping by and commenting. I appreciate it.

  2. When one comes home from a holiday feeling as though they require a holiday to recover from the first holiday, it must have been a good one.

    I LOVE the pictures of that bookstore. Sounds like a place in which I would want to spend days.

    My brother and sister-in-law's dog has Addison's. And one of my dogs is having difficulties sleeping. Fortunately, I'm an insomniac, so we spend a lot of nights not sleeping together.

    1. I can't believe you can go without sleep. I love sleep, but since I got my little man, I had to be frugal with my sleep, because he never slept much since he was a puppy, simply because he doesn't like sleeping. But I'm not complaining. You would definitely love that bookstore. They have everything and they are packed.

  3. Coming home is often as good as the holiday - but it sounded fun. I could spend hours and hours in that bookshop going through everything. I hope your little dog is helped by the new meds.

    1. Thank you, Susan. He is doing well. I wanted to spend more time in the bookstore, but my sister got bored. I will definitely go there again.

  4. Your dog is cute! And I hope that he gets better soon. It's true that you can't ignore a dog when he wants to play; dogs can be very insistent and won't rest until they get their way. :)

    1. Thank you. He is doing better. He has a very strong personality, so when he wants to play, he wants to play. If I'm too slow to oblige, he starts mumbling, which sounds like he's talking to me and I have to laugh.

  5. Glad you had a good time on holiday! I LOVE the look of that bookstore!! I'd spend all my time there too. I don't know how you coped not going to bed until 1am - whenever it gets to 10pm, I'm like, 'that's it, I'm done.' Hope your dog feels better soon :(, he looks so cute!

    1. Thank you. I was grumpy. I don't do well with little sleep and even worse, I'm not a morning person. I didn't want to leave the bookstore, but my sister wanted to leave. She was bored and wanted to go for a walk. But I can always go back again. At least I get to save up more money, so when I go back I can buy a ton of books.

  6. I actually lived in Gordon's Bay until 2013.

    Sorry to hear about your dog. :-(

    1. It's okay, Misha. He is doing better. It's just a matter of getting the perfect dose for him. I think Gordon's Bay is beautiful. I bet you loved that bookstore too.

  7. What a beautiful spot to vacay in. Glad you had a good time.
    Sorry your puppy hasn't been well, but glad he's better.

    1. Thank you. He is doing so much better. My family loves taking vacations at the beach.

  8. It looks like a lovely vacation spot! Although that's the bad thing about vacations, it takes the next week to get over them. You almost need a vacation from your vacation. LOL!

    1. Exactly! That is precisely how I felt. My sister thought it was the best holiday ever.


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