Wednesday, July 22, 2015

I'm not lazy . . . all the time

Since Monday I had actually worked on how to create an e-book. I followed Misha Gerrick's advice and once I learned how to format my "practice manuscript", things started falling into place and the fear I once had about whether I could actually do my own formatting actually paid off.  Thank you, Misha!

I'm starting to think I can actually publish my book this year. But I'm leaving that thought there. I don't want to get ahead of myself, or jinx it.

Also, on the work front I am still battling those articles for my brother. I had to work with a headache all of yesterday, but I kept pushing on. It's just not in me to do a mediocre job of anything, aside for dieting of course. Okay, you got me, exercise too, but that's another story.

My dog is so much better now. He is back to his playful routine and waking me in the middle of the night every few hours to go do his business. That's unfortunately a side effect of the Addison's medication . . . It makes him drink a ton of water and then he wants to urinate more regularly. At least he goes outside less regularly now than before. Before, I barely slept during the night, because he had to go out so much. But having said that, I love my dog and wouldn't trade him for anything. He's perfect, Addison's and all.


  1. When you're ready to publish that book, let me know. I'll help spread the news.
    Glad your dog is doing better, even if you're not getting a lot of sleep.

    1. Thank you so much, Alex! I will definitely take you up on your offer ;)

  2. Keep up the good work, Murees! I'll helps spread the news about your book, too.
    And I'm so glad your dog is doing better!

    1. Thank you! You are amazing. Let me know if you ever need help with any of your books too.

  3. I'm glad your dog is doing better! I must admit I love formatting and learn new things every single time I format a book.

    1. Thank you! That gives me hope. If a professional learns something new each time . . . Now I feel encouraged. Thank you, Cherie.

  4. I was terrified. I had put it off for years and this week I finally tackled it. If I can do it, you most definitely can. I'm not that tech savvy at all.

  5. I'm glad your dog is improving, and that the formatting worked out well. Good luck getting your book ready. I'll happily help spread the word, too.

  6. Formatting was definitely the thing that I kept putting off and putting off, but once I got down to it, it wasn't as scary as it seemed :). Yay! I'm ssoo excited that you might be publishing your book this year! Just let me know whatever I can do to help :)!

    1. Thank you, Rachel. I will definitely let you know. I agree. I had put off formatting for the longest time as well. Have a great holiday.

  7. I've formatted ebooks when it's just a file for me look through on my Kindle. I didn't dare do it for the real thing. Maybe for the next project?

    I'm so glad your dog is feeling better. Three of my four animals are special needs pets. They can be a lot of work some days, but like you, I wouldn't trade them for anything.

    1. Unfortunately, I have to do the formatting myself. I can't afford anyone else to do it. Luckily I kind of know how to do it. I just have to practice a bit more. Special needs pets are a lot of work, but that just makes us love them more:)

  8. Formatting seems daunting at the beginning, but if you work through it methodically it'll be fine. Exciting times, Murees!

  9. So glad I helped. :-)

    And it's great news that your dog's doing better.


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I am alive and well. Life keeps going on.  I've started re-formatting the e-book of the Executioner (my 2nd fantasy book in my Thelum se...