Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What do you mean you can't save my document?

My bad-luck streak with technology still continues...alas. Last night I had the sudden urge to start editing again. So I started making changes to my document and saving changes as I go along...until Microsoft Word stopped saving my document, saying that the program is non-responsive. Of course at this point I had swallowed my last breath as I realized that all my changes might not have been saved. But that was the least of my worries. When I finally had the courage to enable task manager and the unresponsive program is closed, I went back to check on my document, only to find that it was removed.

At this point people I wanted to start crying. I have had a lot of computer problems and I guess it wouldn't be so bad if I knew how to fix them. So now I have to uninstall my Microsoft Office package and re-install it. Of course when I mean me, I mean my brother. Hopefully it will be sorted out soon. Luckily I had a back-up of my work, but still...losing your work is never a nice feeling. I understand why certain writers still prefer typewriters. At this point I think my computer hates me.

How is your writing going?


  1. So sorry, Murees, I know how you feel. If I didn't have Brendan to help with my computer, I'd be lost too. Don't worry nobody can do everything. There are lots of people who have issues with computers from time to time.

  2. Ugh. Losing your work is a terrible feeling. I'm so sorry to hear you've been having computer problems—I'm lost when it comes to them too. Which is why I'm so reluctant to upgrade my system. It needs it, but I won't understand how to do anything!

    Hang in there.

  3. Deanie - Thank you for the nice words. You are so right. Thank you for the visit.

    M.J. - Thank you. I had an XP computer before this and it was really old school, but it was easy to understand. Now I am at Windows 8 and I feel lost. Thank you for your encouraging words and for stopping by.

  4. Ouch. That hurts. One tip for the future, just in case it helps...when a program becomes unresponsive, try leaving everything alone and walking away for a while. Seriously, sometimes Windows gets tangled up with things it's doing in the background and stops paying attention to whatever app you're using, but if you leave it alone, it will get things straightened out and come back to the app right where it left off.

  5. OMG! This is my worst nightmare come true. Yikes! I'm not sure if this'll help you, but I make sure I paste my document changes into an online site ( If ever my pc crashes or is stolen, all my work is online - privately viewable by only me - so I won't ever lose it permanently.

  6. LD - Thanks for the great advice. I tried leaving the pc alone, but after a while I just pressed task manager. Maybe i should have been more patient.

    Lexa - Thanks for the great tip. I will have to check ( out. It sounds like a great option for me.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I'm sorry that you're having so many computer problems. I hope that your brother is able to restore what you've lost, and keep this from happening again.


  9. Julie - Thank you. I really hope so too.


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