Thursday, July 5, 2012


Everyone that has been checking in on my blog these days will know that I have been in a pretty terrible mood. I have been really down and just depressed really. Well, that is just the state of mind I was in when I wrote my first book. I used writing to uplift my mood and when I got up this morning, I wanted to start the re-writes on my second book.

It was a lot easier for me to fall back into the writing process and to connect with the characters. I don’t know why there was a sudden shift in this mental/writers block thing that I have had for the past few months. Whatever made my character change their mind and come out and play again, I am grateful.

The first step I took was deleting three chapters that were not making the story exciting and it was making the story drag on a bit. Now I just have to keep up the progress. I guess eating breakfast everyday this week has definitely helped.

What is up or new with you?


  1. I'm glad your out of your writer's block. I have writer's anxiety today. I think I'm going to have to rewrite my whole WIP and can't decide if I should finish it before rewriting.

  2. Good for you! I've got a ton of work to do. Must run errands and take care of kids first. And laundry. Must water the garden (100 degrees today). Eventually, I will write today. :)

  3. Beth - That sounds really tough. Good Luck.

    Tonja - Wow, you have a lot on your hands. I wish you the best.

  4. I find being slightly depressed helps me write too. If I'm too happy I can't write a thing! Wishing you lots of productivity :-)

  5. I am glad that your characters are cooperating. I am having a hard time making mine do so. Which is troubling, since I am writing about my life right now (well, a fictionalized version of things that happened to me anyway).

  6. Yay for your characters coming out to play! Best wishes on your revisions -- may they be quick and easy. :-)

  7. I had that issue in my first book two. I couldn't write a word and it turned out I needed to delete some chapters and get back on track. Best of luck!

  8. Annalisa - Thank you so much! It is kind of weird how our mood can influence our writing hah?

    mmshaunakelley - Well, at least you kind of know how things have to turn out, but I bet you just have to show those characters whose boss. Good - luck with the writing.

    Lexa - Thank you! It is really kind of you.

    Heather - Thanks! I know I can get things done. I just have to sit down and actually do them.

  9. Murees - so happy they are back in your graces! Whether it be breakfast or not it's a great feeling to know they still adore you! Have faith and carry on.

  10. Nancy - Thank you so much, Nancy. I am just really relieved right now.

  11. Yay! It sounds like you're back on track! Go girl!

  12. Michelle - Hopefully forever, but yes, my characters are coming out to play. Thank you for the encouragement.

  13. I'm glad it's lifting for you! I'm crabby when I don't get enough writing done, such as right now. But I'm going to catch up! I WILL! Good luck on the character continuing to talk to you.

  14. Shannon - Thank you! I hope that your writing will keep going well. I know you can do it.


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I am alive and well. Life keeps going on.  I've started re-formatting the e-book of the Executioner (my 2nd fantasy book in my Thelum se...