Wednesday, June 6, 2012


When I read about various published authors saying that writing is a tough profession, I did not want to believe them. Somehow I thought that when I become a professional writer, it would somehow be different and right now, it isn’t.

Don’t get me wrong, I love writing. I just wish to confirm to everybody else who like me, thought that writing is not a tough profession, that it actually is. As a freelancer, I work long hours and I have to complete assignments that seem nearly impossible to finish, in a short time span. At times you feel like you just want to give up, but when that project is done, you could not be prouder and you cannot wait to start project two.

If you really want to be a writer, than make friends with patience and frustration. Not to mention solitude and determination. In the end, the only way you can truly achieve the goals you set for yourself as a writer, is to push on regardless of the feedback you get. You have to believe in yourself completely, even when others doubt your potential, because in the end, you will be the only one that believes in yourself enough to keep on writing regardless. You have to know you have the potential to achieve your goals, even when others do not seem to believe.

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the wonderful and talented author and blogger, Alex J. Cavanaugh. You guys can visit Alex over at


  1. Sheer bloody-mindedness also helps, I find, especially when dealing with those friends and family that don't see writing as a 'proper job'. That's the hardest for me - my hard work isn't seen as hard work at all!

  2. I think writing is a tough profession. If it were easy, anyone could do it, right?

    I couldn't agree more with this:

    "If you really want to be a writer, than make friends with patience and frustration. Not to mention solitude and determination. In the end, the only way you can truly achieve the goals you set for yourself as a writer, is to push on regardless of the feedback you get."

  3. Annalisa - I know the feeling. Some family members still doubt whether I am doing the right thing. Luckily, we are stubborn enough to ignore them, right?

    M.J. - Thank you. I am glad you agree.

  4. Great post! Only you can believe in yourself. If you don't, it doesn't matter how many other people do, you won't get where you to be to be an author.

    Of course, having supportive people when you're feeling down never hurts, either. :)

  5. You are so right! It is tough!
    Some of my family members don't even know I write... and I don't intend to inform them about it because I know that it will be met with a blank-stare response from some, as if I'm talking gibberish...

  6. oh yes it's tough! And it's just as tough when you've finished the book too LOL. I'm dropping in from the IWSG today to send you some sympathy, especially, as Annalisa said, people view it as an easy cop. We definitely need perseverance.

  7. I think it's true for any kind of self-employment. It seems like it would be easier because you have a lot more control over a lot more things - like work hours, how you dress, what work you take on, etc. But it's actually takes more effort and possibly a broader range of skills to make money. Great post.

  8. Stina - Very true. Support is essential.

    Michelle - I know what you mean. I get those stares all the time. Know that you are not alone.

    Karen - I agree with you, that just makes it harder.

    Susan - So true. Perseverance is key.

    Tonja - Thank you.

  9. ha, yes! Writing SOUNDS simple enough from afar. lol.

  10. Lynda R Young - HAHAHA! I know, I used to think that too. How wrong I was.


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