Saturday, May 7, 2011


The ancient form of communication, which many loved ones used to stay in touch. Though, I must admit in modern day times have gone into disuse. Now it is love letters by email or even text messages.

I embarrassingly must admit I have written my fair share of love letters, much to my own agony. I hate remembering all the memories of rejection, but if only it had deterred me completely from making an ass of myself. My last love letter was sent 2 years ago to a guy I had had a crush on in college. I had never had the nerve to say anything to him then, but with the possible prospect of going oversees, I thought I had nothing to lose.

The body of the letter was not much of a love letter in the end but more or a confessional. Needless to say, I did not get a response. Just silence. I have wondered all this time what he had thought of that letter. That was 2 years ago.

A few days ago a mutual friend told me that he was married, which made me blush a deep red at the possibility of sending such a letter to a married man. I would of course not have sent it had I known. I just hope I never see him ever again. How awkward would that be?

So how about you? Have you written love letters to someone you deeply regretted afterwards or did yours have the desired outcome?


  1. I've never written a love letter per se. Many of my "love confessionals" have been via e-mail or in instant messengers, so technically they were written. Conversely, I've written two break-up e-mails/IMs because I was too much of a wimp to do it over the phone or in person. Neither of those went very well; one resulted in me losing my best friend, while the other resulting in me gaining a stalker for the better part of the next year.

  2. Renee - Wow, those are two very bad outcomes. A stalker? Hopefully you got rid of him. Thank you for sharing this with me.

    Better is possible - It is not a problem. I understood what you meant when I read it the first time. So no worries. I am glad you got your happy ending. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Good for you for having the guts to send the letter! It took a lot of courage and at least you can say you tried, rather than constantly wondering what if.

    That said, I've never sent a love letter. I did ask a couple boys out over the phone and was rejected. Even the memory is painful, but I'd do it again.

  4. Brianna - Thank you, but I don't feel like I had a lot of guts. I feel rather stupid and very humiliated. But yes, rejection is painful. Thank you for sharing your experience with me. I in fact think that you had a lot more guts than me, because you called them and asked them out.

  5. Yes, I've written a couple of love letters that I deeply regret sending. It was about ten years ago and I still worry some times that they might come back to haunt me.

  6. Interestingly enough, after I posted that comment, the "best friend" I lost contacted me on Facebook, and we're chatting again! Just as friends of course since I don't have romantic feelings for him anymore, but it's nice to have a friend back.

  7. Oh and yes, the "stalker" has moved on with his life. I think. I still randomly get IMs and e-mails from him which I don't respond to... it's been about 8 years since I broke up with him! I think he forgot about the 76 threatening phone calls he made to my dorm room in a single day (yes, I kept a record and submitted it to the campus police >:D )

  8. C R - Thank you for sharing. I have exactly the same fear. Every now and again I allow myself to think of possible excuses for writing those letters, if I ever meet any of the guys I have written to. Especially the last guy. Luckily for me, he lives in a completely different country, so the chances of me ever seeing him again is slim to none.

    Renee - What a creep to still be emailing and texting you. It is good you told the campus police about him. Shame they didn't arrest his stalker butt. I am glad that you got your friend back. That is always good news. Thank you for sharing your stories with me. I feel better knowing I only have the embarressment to overcome and that I don't have some psycho stalking me. But you handled it very well. Power to you.


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