Wednesday, October 9, 2019

October Begins

Hello Friends. I did it. I finished my first round of edits from my editor. It wasn’t as bad. I just had to put my head down and get it done. Of course afterwards I chastised myself for not finishing it sooner. But oh well.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been getting the strangest comments on my blog. People using the comments section to advertise their own site, or products. At some point it was one or two weird comments a day. Every time I deleted one spammy comment another would pop up again. So I activated comment moderation. So I get to choose which comments get published, and not. It is a relief actually, and so easy.

The day job has been keeping me busy, which is why I haven’t been around. A smart person would start writing posts in advance and scheduling them. Clearly I’m not smart (he he).

So have a good week. What is new with you?


  1. I turned off comment moderation several months ago and haven't had too much trouble. I'll turn it back on if I get a steady stream of the weird comments.


    1. Lucky you 😁. I've never had so many weird comments come in at the same time before. Its just very annoying.

  2. Hi Murees - good to know things are still on track and that you're busy with the day job. Occasionally I'll put moderation on - when the blog gets a few unwanted thoughts ... the rest of the time I keep my eyes open and delete as soon as I see them. I ignore them and life goes on!! ... all the best Hilary

    1. Life goes on. I love that😉 Your words telling me to just get it done really helped. It was the kick to the butt I needed.

  3. Sorry to hear about the spam, Mureesl Nothing new, just every day looking after my disabled husband, but I keep writing 🌹

    1. You are a rockstar. Taking care of your husband full-time can't be easy, and yet you keep writing. You are amazing.

  4. Congrats on the edits!

    I get those weird comments too. So annoying.

    I'm also not smart. I am always doing what I need to be doing as it needs done. Not the smartest way, but it seems to be my way.

    1. Hey, at least we get things done. Thank you. Sorry, my comment moderator didn't send me your comments and they ended up in the blogger spam folder

  5. Congrats on getting those edits done!

    I've been getting a ton of those spam comments lately. Thank goodness for comment moderation! :)

    1. Thank you. I don't know why it was so tough for me this time round with the edits.

      Agreed. For a while I forgot about comment moderation. Now I find it a relief to my sanity. The volume of spammy comments really irritated me.

  6. I get weird comments too! I've also been trying to get back into the blogging community but it's been tough.

    1. Getting back into blogging again is tough. I still only manage to blog once a month. But it feels great to talk to all my online friends again. Glad I'm not the only one having this weird comment problem. Thank you for visiting. It is great to hear from you, Nicole.

  7. So glad you got your edits done! Yeah about the weird comments. The spammers are out.

    1. Thank you😁 It is such a relief to stop the spammers. They were really stressing me out at one point.

  8. I hate spammers. I don't get a lot, but when I do, it seems I'll get one or two every month for a while and then a break before others show up. Congrats on finishing the edits!

    1. Thank you. At some point I worried that the edits would break me😉

  9. Congrats on finishing those edits, Murees!
    Just continue with the writing and editing. Step by step.
    I've been having blog troubles too. My last post was wiped out after a Wordpress plug-in was discontinued. I think it's sorted out now. Fingers crossed.
    I hope you have a Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday and a Prosperous New Year filled to the brim with writing awesomeness! See you in 2020.

    1. Thanks, Michelle. Happy Holidays to you and your family.


Feel free to leave comments. I love comments. But no spam, or hate speech. Your comments will be deleted, and I'd wish you a painful death, and your soul to turn to nothingness.


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