Tuesday, May 29, 2018

On the agenda today . . .

Hello my beautiful friends. How are you doing today? I hope the past few months have served you well.

I am doing better. I am back in therapy and seeing a psychiatrist again, and obviously back on antidepressants. I’ve had a terrible relapse a few months ago, that was dangerous to my health. As I said, I’m doing better, but I still have a long way to go. I have to take things easy and not stress, which I’m working hard on accomplishing. Also, I’ve developed a sensitivity to sugar and am now more prone to migraines, but oh well. Things could have been worse.

I haven’t been writing, even though my therapist keeps encouraging me to write more. To at least write about how this experience is making me feel, or just vent. It’s been harder to write than I thought. Mostly because my memory keeps abandoning me. I will know what to write the one moment, and when I go to write it down, poof, the idea is gone. I often go into a room with a purpose and once I arrive there, I can’t remember what the reason for entering the room was.

I won’t lie. It has been very hard and frustrating. But I am coping better than I expected. I have definitely learned to focus more on my health. Thank you to everyone who has prayed for me and wished me well. I truly appreciate it.

On the agenda today is to do some yoga.


  1. Hi Murees - just glad to know things are improving ... good luck and long may it continue - cheers Hilary

  2. Glad you're doing better. Don't feel bad - I'm always walking into a room and forgetting why.

    1. Thank you. Yeah, but not stuff like where we parked the car😊😉

  3. I'm sorry that you've been going through a difficult time, and I hope it gets better soon. You don't have to make yourself write if it's too much right now; the writing will be there when you're ready to go back to it.

    1. Thanks NW. Its just that I miss writing. I kind of don't know what to do with myself anymore.

  4. Hi Murees!
    Just take it one step at a time.
    Sending you cyber hugs from KZN down to the Cape!

    1. Thank you. Those cyber hugs feel so comforting😊. I appreciate it.

  5. Have you had your hormones checked? I recently had some of the same memory issues and some other issues. I went to a hormone specialist and discovered that I needed all three hormones. It might be worth asking your doctor...

    1. I do have an existing hormone proble. The depression just messes my mind up terribly at the moment. It should get better with time. Thanks for your support.

  6. Sending hugs from Texas. Listen to your therapist and follow the doctors' orders. It's all about finding out what will work for you, and sometimes the discovery process includes a lot of trial and error. Never give up! ♥♥♥

    1. Thank you, Carol. I'm being a good patient. So far the meds are working well.

  7. I'm glad to hear you are feeling a little better. I hope that will continue. Thanks for checking in here - it's always great to see a post from you. Hugs to you!

    1. Thank you, Julie. I've missed you all so much.

  8. Hello Murees. I'm sorry to hear you haven't been well, but sometimes our bodies are more ready for change than our minds are. You have been writing for a very long time and the fact that you haven't been able to isn't necessarily a bad thing, it may be a sign for you to give that a rest for a while and start a new path. Maybe just read, or walk, or draw, or sew, or take care of a plant. Life changes us and we aren't meant to do the same thing or feel the same way all our lives, especially if doing those things continually cause us anxiety or we do them to please or appease others because then, we toss away a little of ourselves, and we are fragile enough. Give yourself permission to explore, treat yourself with kindness and compassion. Love your blessings. Maybe those are what you should write down. Peace to you.

    1. Thank you so much Nancy. Being kind to myself is always hard. But I know it is needed.

  9. It's hard when our minds keep wandering just when we want them to stay put. Maybe stream of consciousness writing would work better for a while. Pen in hand, just start with something you see or hear and let it go from there. Write until you feel done, then stop. No goals, no pressure. Take care.


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