Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Hard work does pay off . . . eventually

The past few weeks has been good for my writing. I finally finished the first draft of book 2. How did I do that? I pitched up at my laptop, sat down, and wrote in multiple short sessions everyday, aside for Sundays. Certain days were 100 word days. The others were 2000 word days. I really wanted to finish it. Just to prove to myself I can, and I did.

To be honest, I finished book 2 in 2010 already. But I didn't like what I'd written. So, I think it is in the beginning of 2016 that I started over from scratch. It felt like a kick to the face at first, but I definitely like where the new version went. It is a lot darker in theme than book 1. But I needed to get the darkness out;) Besides, I wrote 40 000 words in the beginning of 2016. So I just had to add the next 50 000. If I had to start from scratch and write 100 000 words right now, I think I would cry and never stop:)

But breaking the word counts down into smaller amounts for each day is better for me. I don't tell myself, "you're gonne write 5000 words today." I tell myself "I'm going to have multiple writing sessions today. Lets see what I can get done in the first 30 minute session." In the end, every word written was a victory compared to where I had been just a few months ago. I didn't think I would ever write again. Now I feel like I can actually do this writing thing. That I have the stamina and determination.

Also, I decided to focus on production this year only. What does that mean? Simply, writing more. I want to publish a few short stories this year. I want to keep working on book 2 in The Thelum Series. I'm not going to worry about marketing. Growing or finding "my audience." I'm just going to have fun, and write this year.

* * * * * * * 

Just a reminder, Indie Author Fringe is is taking place next week. It's free and online. If you want to sign up, go here.

If you want to publish a paperback, you can get your set-up costs waived at IngramSpark. Thanks to the Indie Author Fringe. But only for a limited time. Check out the details here.

** I actually applied for this deal. Unfortunately, being from South Africa it meant I had a lot of forms to fill out for tax exemption reasons. Basically, I forgot that my intention is not to work on producing more paperbacks. I had gotten stressed and I felt lost. My focus should be my e-books. So, I didn't complete my application in full. But if paperbacks are important to you, check it out.

I personally like Createspace. Its easier for me and there are no costs for me.

Hope you guys have a lovely week.


  1. Congratulations on finishing! My first published book was a rewrite and if I'd thought about total word count, I never would've finished either.

  2. I second the Congratulations on finishing. I think having a word count goal each day would put way too much pressure on. I like your idea of writing in short sessions and not worrying about the count. Sounds like it worked great. Congrats again!!

    1. Thank you, Mason. Whatever is the least stressful works for me. So slow and steady, adds up to results eventually:)

  3. Hi Murees - sounds like the best way to go ... and short spells work wonders, also once that spell is done - so often we feel like continuing on ... well done - good luck for the future ... cheers Hilary

  4. Yeh for stamina and determination! Keep going, Murees! :)

  5. Yay on finishing. And kudos for figuring how to keep your butt in the chair. Sometimes that's the hardest part.

  6. Good for you for creating a plan and following through on it.


  7. Thank you, Karen. I can't create when I feel stressed or overwhelmed.

  8. Woo-hoo! Good for you! Sitting down each day and writing a little bit is a great way to get a book DONE.

  9. Hooray!! So happy for you and proud of what you have accomplished. Well done!! :)

  10. You have such a great attitude about writing! Congrats on finishing.

  11. You are such a sweetie pie and when you set your mind to something, you do it. That takes some
    kind of a special mindset and I send you congratulations from my heart. High-five there, kiddo.

  12. I was so excited to read this post!! I'm so so proud of you for finishing book 2! Go you, Murees! You have such a wonderful attitude to writing - I think more authors should concentrate on their writing first and then the audience etc will come naturally :)



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I am alive and well. Life keeps going on.  I've started re-formatting the e-book of the Executioner (my 2nd fantasy book in my Thelum se...