Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Dropping the ball

Hey friends. I feel like I haven't been a good blogger. Like I've been neglecting my blogging duties. I'm sorry if I haven't been there for you. I know sometimes a kind word at the right time can mean so much.

I am on new medication that has me sleeping a lot. Remember the pain I had in my hands? The specialist thought it was arthritis? Well, an MRI of my hands revealed that it wasn't. He thinks it might be a chronic pain problem. So now we are approaching that angle. At least I'm no longer secretly stressing about that. It's not like constantly typing is damaging my hands, it just hurts, which is comforting in some strange way:)

I hope to visit around the blogosphere a bit more. All of you have been so good to me. Helping me along when I needed you the most. I want to repay the favor.

How are you doing? What is new in your life?


  1. You're not dropping the ball. You just need a little time away and we all understand that. The main and important thing is to take care of your health first and foremost. Hopefully the doctors will be able to give you something to help the pain. Try and relax, take it easy, enjoy!

    1. Thank you, Mason. It is hard to be on the sideline:) Thanks for understanding.

  2. Man that must be so stressful! I didn't even know. I hope the meds work for you.

    1. It was. But I'm learning to deal with it. No worries, Misha.

  3. Well, at least you know. Arthritis would be tougher to handle.
    No apologies for not getting around to us.

  4. I hope the doctor can ease your pain. Sometimes you just need to get away and have time to rest and relax. Your friends will always be here for you. Feel better soon.

  5. Hi Murees - it's essential to look after you first. We are here ... and just sometimes life befuddles us with things that are difficult to understand and which doctors can't seem to immediately work out. Relax ... take care too - cheers Hilary

  6. Health comes first, always. You concern is appreciated
    but we need you spry and perky and free of pain.

  7. Murees, I do hope you feel better soon and a solution for the pain relief can be found. Take good care of you and keep smiling!!

  8. I'm so sorry. Chronic pain is a beast. I'm dealing with some of that too--thank you car accident--but I'm figuring out how to cope more each day. Life changes and we have to figure out how to change with it, eh?

    1. True. I don't do well with change. It is a beast.

  9. I'm glad your doctor is making progress on a diagnosis, and I hope you feel better soon :-)

  10. I'm so sorry to hear that. Chronic pain is a tough, tough diagnosis. Hope your doctor finds something soon that will help!!

    Take care of yourself!!

  11. Chronic pain is hard, but having no major long-term damage is really good.
    Prayers and best wishes for a healthy, speedy recover of your hands!

  12. Darling Murees,

    No reason to feel bad about blogging. You'll write blog posts as you're able to do so. Rest and find out what you can do to lessen the pain.


    1. Thank you, Janie. I just get upset when I can no longer do things I know I've been doing for years. I just have to get over it:)

  13. I'm so glad to hear that you don't have arthritis, but I hope the doctor manages to find you the right medication for your hands soon. Don't worry about not blogging - we all go through phases where life takes over. I'm going through the same phase at the moment! Hope you feel better soon :)

    1. Thank you, Rachel. All the best to you as well.

  14. You haven't dropped the ball at all! We all have times when life gets in the way of blogging. And sometimes you just need a break.
    I hope the medication will help with the pain. And I'm glad that some of the stress has been eased. Take care, Murees!

    1. Thank, you, Julie. I'm relieved that there's no damage to my hands, as suspected. I can push through the pain:) Have a lovely weekend.

  15. Hope the pain medicine is kicking in. Chronic pain is hard to deal with. Best wishes.

  16. I have a friend with a TBI which makes it very difficult for her to type. She uses a voice recognition program to write and read all her emails. I wonder if this might be something for you to look in to? Anyway, you don't need to be sorry for putting your health first!

    1. Thank you, Jennifer. This is definitely something I want to look into.

  17. I'm sorry about the pain, and I hope you feel better soon. I haven't blogged much either; in fact, I haven't blogged in three weeks. And, of course, my computer just broke down, so I have to use the ones at school.

    1. Hello NW. Thank you. The pain is better. Sorry about your computer. That has happened to me before and it is such a pain.

  18. Everyone needs time away! I'm still trying to catch up after a busy April, so I'm way behind on my blog visits and comments. Glad it's not arthritis, though I hope they figure out how to help with the pain.

    1. Thank you, Shannon. Good-luck with having to catch up. I know the feeling:) All the best.


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