Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Every journey is different (IWSG)

I have the bad habit of always wanting everything to be perfect. That doesn’t just go for my writing it goes for all aspects of my life. I like doing research. Lots of it. So when I became serious about my writing, naturally, I did research about all aspects of it. I knew that if you did it for money that you were going to bomb. You had to love what you do. Unfortunately, I also got addicted to reading success stories of other writers who became published and was writing for a living.

I quickly learned that two writers can get the same advice and do things exactly the same and the outcome will vary. Why? Because people are different. Nobody thinks the same way. Those hardships that come your way while you are trying to reach your goal, is making you stronger and tougher. Trust me, that suffering is nothing compared to when you are published and you can’t figure out marketing:)

No matter if it is taking you twice as long as your friend, keep at it. So what if everyone you know is published but you? You will get there. I have to always remind myself of that. Sometimes it’s hard to get it through my thick skull. Only focus on what you can do. Like writing the best book you can. Don’t worry about what other writers are doing and achieving. They are not a threat. There will be enough space for your writing too. Just do what you do. You are an individual. Keep working hard and know what you want. You will get where you want to be. Just don't ever give up. 

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the talented Mr. Alex J. Cavanaugh so that writers can share their insecurities and/or encourage others who need support with their own. You can visit Alex Here, or if you want to join us in discussing our insecurities on the first Wednesday of each month, you are welcome to join by going Here.


  1. Hi Murees - so right ... we each need to be ourselves ... things will happen when they do - and in the end all can be well ... cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Hilary. Yes, everything happens at it's own time. Not an easy lesson to learn, but very true.

  2. Thank you for the reminder: stay focused on our gifts and expression. It's so easy to compare my writing to others. I think I'm spending too much time trying to fit into some popular mold. Specifically, limit my posts to 500-750 words. I tend to write 2,000 words. thanks for the reminder. We are each unique and there is a place for each of us.

    1. You are very welcome. It is hard, I know. But you can do it. Thank you for coming by.

  3. Aiming for perfection has held me back too often, in writing and in life. Now I try for the best I can do, then I let it go. That's all I can do anyway. :)

    1. Doing your best is more than good enough. You have the right idea. I know what you mean about perfection holding you back.

  4. We each have our own path and it doesn't matter how long it takes to reach our destination.

  5. Thank you for this, especially these sentences - "Don’t worry about what other writers are doing and achieving. They are not a threat." It took some effort to get through my head that successful authors are not ruining my chances. I'll keep following my path, and doing what makes me happy.

    1. You are welcome. Exactly. Keep doing what you're doing. You have a unique way of seeing things and writing a story how nobody else can. Thank you for the visit.

  6. Awesome advice. The other thing we don't often consider is that you might get to the other side of that hurdle and wish for the happy days of watching everyone jump and wishing you were in the race. Racing is tiring.

    Crystal Collier

    1. Thank you. I agree. Racing is tiring. I found that out the hard way.

  7. Excellent advice. And I tell myself that a lot. Do my thing, and don't worry about the rest. Some days, it goes better than others. I still always seem to think I should be doing better than what I'm actually doing. :)

    1. Thank you. I know what you mean. I also think I don't do enough, but M.J. you do so much. You are made of awesome. You should give yourself more credit.

  8. You nailed exactly how I feel sometimes. I will be glad when I can feel like I accomplished the first big hurtle after the writing--being published.
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

    1. You can absolutely climb that hurdle, Juneta. You have what it takes. Just don't give up and go after your dream. You can do it.

  9. This is a hard one for me - I am always comparing myself to others and I know it's a bad habit. You are exactly right.

    I don't know if this is new or if I just now noticed it, but I love the pawprints background on your blog! So cute. :)

    1. Thank you. Yes, the background is new. I also thought it was so cute:) Comparing ourselves to others is something we can both work on together. Thank you for coming by.

  10. Great tip! I struggle with that, too. I read someone's work and I think, "why can't I write that awesomely?" It's tough not to compare ourselves with others, but I think you are write. We just have to go after the dream, one word at a time, and encourage one another along the way.
    Go, Murees! Happy Writing!

    1. Thank you, Tyrean. I'm always here to cheer you on:) Don't worry, I always wonder why I can't write as well as most writers too.

  11. Murees, very inspiring post. We each need to remember this on any path we take.

  12. I think so many writers fall into the trap of comparing themselves with big success stories. At the heart of it, we do what we do because we love it. Besides, it would be a boring journey if everyone took the same path. Great reminder. <3

    1. You are so right. Life would be boring if we all had the same journey. The love of writing is definitely important. Thank you so much for stopping by.

  13. With complete honesty, it is hard to see your long time writing friends getting agents and getting traditionally published...but then I remind myself...I've been a lot more focused on family than my writing for the last three years. 2016 is going to be my year...I'm already writing more and querying more. My path was very seems to have straightened up. :)

    1. Good for you! 2016 can definitely be your year. I won't lie, it's hard to see our friends succeed. Just don't ever think you can't achieve the same things, because you can. Good-luck.


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