Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Doing good

I am done with the first round of changes to my manuscript. I have had a busy few days, working until two in the morning, but it was worth it. Having the first round of changes behind me, definitely gives me more confidence to complete the other rounds. Man, it feels good to have worked through my manuscript. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I had tackled the big problems first, which was what I had been worried about most. Thank you so much for all your kind support and encouragement. 

My sister (the chef) is going on holiday next week, and she has asked me to go with her. I didn't want to go, but it's the first holiday she has had in 6 years. She is definitely a workaholic. Apparently she is under the impression I'm going to get up early in the mornings and go hiking with her. For those that don't know, I'm lazy and walking is as active as I get. I have a few scheduled posts planned for next week, in which a few fellow bloggers share their latest releases with us. So please, do stop by to offer them your support.

My brother has new data for me to rework. Thankfully I can escape it next week, but after that I have to work on his project, as well as my editing, which should be very interesting. Both require huge amounts of concentration.  

I know my blog has been very dreary lately, and I'm working on ways to give my posts more energy, or at least post about things that are more interesting. Unfortunately, I'm a very boring person, and I don't always like trying new things, which could be why I haven't done anything exciting to post about. But I shall think of something. 

If you have a blog, how do you keep it fresh?


  1. Way to go--getting into your edits. It's not so scary once you get started, eh?

    I think memes sometimes help with blog content. Beyond that, you have to do something that meshes with your personality and expertise. And I wouldn't call yourself boring because I know that's not true.

    1. Thank you. Once I got started, it wasn't so scary. You were right. Because I'm an introvert, I think I'm boring.

  2. Hi Murees. I also got very tired of my blog (like you I'm an introvert - but you're certainly not boring!). Maybe a little holiday might help and get your energy levels up again. I agree with Crystal too - memes are good. Good luck with the book!

    1. Thank you, Susan! I will have to give those memes a try. You are very kind.

  3. Go with her and enjoy yourself! You sleep while she hikes.
    Glad all the changes are done.

    1. Thank you, Alex. I agree. I sleep, while she hikes. I like the way you think :)

  4. I'm always most active when I'm on holiday. I'm always hiking, biking, and trail running and crazy stuff like that during a vacation. I'm lazy the rest of the time. :)

    Enjoy your time away, and great job getting those edits done!

    1. Thank you. I still have some work to do, though. Why would you be so active during your holiday? I wish I had your determination to exercise.

  5. I read your book. No way are you a boring person. I don't know if I keep my blog fresh, but I enjoy introducing "characters" and writing about them. I can never say enough about Franklin and Willy Dunne Wooters. I wouldn't get up early to go hiking. I won't get up early for anything.


    1. Thank you, Janie. I agree. I would rather work late, than get up early.

  6. glad to hear you're progressing with your edits! i went back to your iwsg post and each one since has been more positive! good for you - keep it up!

    and i'd be up hiking, i would love a holiday with just me and my sis! enjoy!

    1. Thank you, Tara. I am really trying. Hanging out with my sister is going to be fun. I just have to get her to relax.

  7. Your blog isn't dreary at all! I find it hard to come up with blog posts sometimes, though, which is why I don't post that often. I'd like to blog more about writing, but I haven't been able to write fiction in months due to my dissertation. So that's why I often blog about other things, but I think it's okay to write about whatever you want or whatever interests you.
    And good for you for working steadily on your manuscript! Sounds like you've gotten a lot done.

    1. Thank you! I hope you can get back to your fiction writing soon. I really enjoy reading your blog. You always having interesting things too say.

  8. Go for the hike, you might find some wonderful inspiration for your manuscript. ;)

    1. Thank you for commenting. Hiking? I hate it when I start to feel uncomfortable, or when I start to taste my lung, but maybe I'll just go for a walk with her.

  9. Have a great time with your sister! I'm not much for early mornings or hiking either.

  10. A holiday is just what you need and how wonderful to spend it with your sister. What a load to have off your shoulders and now you are really on the road with your book. Life can be a weary, dreary day but that is even something interesting to write about. Good luck and set your mind that this will be a marvelous holiday.

    1. Thank you, Manzanita! You are right. I have to get my mindset right. This holiday will be great.

  11. Have a great holiday. Go on, go for a hike ;-) So glad your edits are going well.

    1. Thank you, Annalisa! I will ask her to go walking instead. Hiking up a mountain is honestly not my thing.

  12. I don't think your blog is boring at all, it's actually the first blog I check out whenever I go on blogger (not that that's creepy or anything *ahem*...). Glad to hear your edits are going well! A nice break is just what you need :) - I completely agree about the hiking though, there's no way anyone could drag me out of bed to do that!

    1. Thank you! I might not always comment, but I always check out your blog as well. If I have to get up early, it better be for a very good reason, like an emergency.


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